Vlog: Birthday Goals & Wishes

Vlog: Birthday Goals & Wishes

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Quick Catch-Up

I’m on two mega-deadlines over the next 8 weeks, so I’ll be sporadic, mostly posting about Darkness Raging, I guess, which comes out Feb 2, 2016. I’d love to see the last Otherworld book with Berkley go out with a

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Scattered thoughts…

I am watching Lord of the Rings this past week. Fellowship, then Two Towers. Today–Return of the King. I’m also marathoning Harry Potter. And you know what? They make me remember my first loves in the world of books: fantasy.

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Birthdays, Wedding Rings, and Cake

So, Saturday was my birthday. Sam suggested for my present, I get a new wedding ring. Now you have to understand that this is my fourth wedding ring for one marriage. The first one we got when we were very

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