So, it’s been quite some time since I have blogged regularly here–I’m posting mostly on Patreon, but I decided to start up a few posts again over here. And where better to start than with my favorite time of the
Blessed Samhain!
May this burnt orange season lead you safely between worlds as the Veils lift.
Welcome to the Witching Season
Every year, I write a post on October 1st called Welcome to the Witching Season, and today is no different. I love this post. I love that it’s time to write it, because I love the autumn, and I love
Mabon Rites
The first rainstorms of the season, the scent of wood smoke fills the night air, a sudden gust as a brisk wind hurls leaves off the trees in a maelstrom of color, the last rush to harvest the garden before
Brain Candy Friday
Today on Brain Candy Friday, I want to talk about seasonal foods. Mabon’s coming up, the Second Harvest, and it’s the harvest of fruits. Harvest-tide, when we harvest apples and peaches and pears and all those wonderful fruits. We’ve gathered
Blessed Mabon!
Blessed Mabon! May the Second Harvest bring you abundance and joy! From Yasmine and her team.