Feb 22 tree

There is a street nearby that I absolutely love. Really, it could be any street, there’s nothing really outstanding about it, except for the fact that it is lined with trees. Now this a common sight around here except these are all deciduous trees. And every autumn they blaze into color around the same time. And every spring, they suddenly burst forth with leaves around the same time.

We have lived in this neighborhood since September 2010, so for four years now Samwise and I have driven down that street several times a week and I have watched the trees change through the year. So yesterday, when I was commenting on how much I like that street, Samwise suggested an idea and it seemed like a cool project. We’ll see if I can manage it — or rather manage to remember to do it — but I want to give it a try.

Every week, every Sunday, we will drive over there and I will take a picture from the same place. And I will post that picture on my blog. For a year, I will chronicle the change of seasons through these pictures. Maybe I’ll get bored partway through and stop, or maybe in a year I’ll have 52 pictures of the street from the same position. I guess we’ll find out!

Week 25: We’ll, we missed last week (see my post last week about the allergy reaction), and in the past two weeks, you can see that buds and tiny leaves are breaking out on the branches in the picture below! It’s been overly warm here for the season, on on hand a little nice, on the other, it’s not good for the snowpack–it’s a fraction of what it should be in the mountains and that could easily lead to drought. But yes, progress toward spring!




Bonus picture: Primroses coming out in my yard!


A Year of Trees: Week 25
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3 thoughts on “A Year of Trees: Week 25

  • 02/23/2015 at 6:17 pm

    Oh that gives me hope! It’s so cold in New York yet.

  • 02/23/2015 at 9:50 am

    Love the pictures! Reminds me that I need to get my garden in order.

  • 02/23/2015 at 8:13 am

    Hooray for buds! The Primroses are lovely.


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