I am very tired and I had a very rough night’s sleep. I’m running on about four hours right now which is not enough for me. It was simply a case of I could not get comfortable, one of those nights when the pillows just wouldn’t line up and the covers felt wonky and every time I turned around it felt like I was encountering another knot in my muscles. Luckily this is more of an abnormality now than a regularity, which it used to be.

So I’m working my way through the copy edits of FLIGHT FROM DEATH, and I’m extremely happy with how they’re going. A good copyeditor is gold and my publisher assigned a great one to me this time. I’m so excited about the start of this series and I’m hoping my readers will be, too.

I’ve been thinking a lot about writers who have long-running series like I do, and about how we can get pigeonholed. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love writing the Otherworld series, but I also love writing other things — and to be honest, readership has dropped off for Otherworld, and it’s time to move my main focus to something else.

It does NOT mean I still won’t be writing in the Otherworld altaverse, and it doesn’t mean that I don’t love it, it just means I have to expand my horizons…

and entice new readers as well as engage those who have been around for a long time. Not every reader will love every book. That’s a given, so it certainly helps to have a wider selection for readers to choose from. Of course all of this is moot if someone doesn’t like your voice at all — and that happens. The way I write puts off some people, and that’s fine. I don’t like vegetables a lot, but give me a steak and I’m happy. Some people can’t stand steak and want a salad. Others just want pasta, or stew, or whatever else might float their boat. If we all ONLY liked the same things, it would be a pretty damn boring planet.

So Apple has settled himself into the household, with the exception of Brighid who is still very talk to the paw. I caught Caly and Apple cuddling today, and Morgan likes to play with him. I think in time they will all get along pretty well. We’re very happy we brought the little guy home and I think he is extremely happy to be here.

We will be making some updates to the website soon in my ever-expanding attempts to make it easy to navigate and still have a design that I like.

And on that note, I am sorry to announce that Marc, my social media assistant, will no longer be continuing in that position. Unfortunately, it’s simply a matter of logistics. However, I hope he will still be hanging around. Yes, we are still good friends. No, I will not be filling that position in the immediate future. Sometimes circumstances just don’t work out for a variety of reasons. So my fan mail assistant Jenn, will be moderating my Facebook page as well as the forums. For now, the wiki and Zazzle store will be in hibernation—there but not updated.

And on that note, I leave you with an Apple picture — I caught him cuddling with Caly today. Have a wonderful weekend and I will most likely be getting the tree picture up on Sunday as per usual. Last week was of course an anomaly and I hope one that does not repeat.


Bright blessings and have a great weekend!

A Few Notes…
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6 thoughts on “A Few Notes…

  • 02/24/2015 at 12:37 pm

    Understandable about not wanting to be pigeonhold. I love you OW verse and am partial to it but I will also give the new works a try while continuing to introduce my friends to OW. May the rest of this week be more restful.

  • 02/24/2015 at 3:31 am

    Quote from above. “It was simply a case of I could not get comfortable, one of those nights when the pillows just wouldn’t line up and the covers felt wonky and every time I turned around it felt like I was encountering another knot in my muscles. Luckily this is more of an abnormality now than a regularity, which it used to be.”

    I would love to know how you got out of it being a “regular thing”. I have those nights almost every night. If it’s not my RLS (which the doc cant help with due to all the other meds I’m on), its either too cold or too hot. using a fan and keeping the window open doesn’t always work to cool me off, and covers aren’t always the answer to being too cold. I’m at my wits end most night trying to figure out how to get comfortable and in tears some nights because of it. I’ve tried everything from teas, warm milk, hot turkey, sauted onions to medications both otc and rx.

  • 02/23/2015 at 1:37 pm

    My Mom and I love the OW world and I’m definitely looking forward to the Flight series, too. I don’t know if she’s read the excerpt in “Panther Prowling” (LOVED by the way. Great ending!) yet or not. So I don’t know her thoughts on that series. I’ve read the Chinz & China series (so has Mom). But I haven’t given the Indigo Court series a try yet. Since I use my local library’s computers, maybe I could “check out” that series from them! At least give the first book a try. I’ll do that today before I leave.

  • 02/21/2015 at 4:16 pm

    People’s choices may change, as mine have from time to time. However, I enjoy the OW world and am looking forward to the Flight series. Be true to yourself and don’t let the trolls get to you. You are a beautiful person first and foremost, and a wonderful writer. You write and I will read.

  • 02/21/2015 at 7:07 am

    Apple does look pleased, doesn’t he? I look forward to your further writing adventures, no matter the genre 🙂

  • 02/20/2015 at 6:51 pm

    Purrs to the Feline Ladies & Apple from my two, Rose & Marmalade!


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