When I woke up at 5 AM, worried about how much I had to do, and how tired I was (and I wasn’t even out of bed yet, and hadn’t planned on being until 7:15), I realized I’m doing too much. And when I thought about how tired I was, I realized that some of it’s information overload.

I’m a media junkie—I admit it, but there’s such a thing as too much. Too many news stories, too many Buzzfeed quizzes, way too much Twitter, way too much checking FB…too much too much too much on top of my work. I had it under control for awhile, and was very proud of myself, but it’s slipped again.

I admit it, Twitter’s been fun and I’ve met a lot of cool people there. It’s often been said it’s the writer’s water cooler. But you know what? Hang around the water cooler too much and work suffers. Only instead of not getting done, I just add hours to the day. And I’m slipping back into that and it’s not good for me.

I’m in the midst of a mega headache here, and tired, and just…feeling a bit worn out by all the bad news in the world—which is affecting my moods—I am saying enough. I’m tired of, every time I turn around, being hit by yet another stupid (political/social/whatever) move by somebody that makes me want to rant. I’m tired of feeling like I have to speak out on everything or I’ll seem like a jerk. I’m not tired of caring, I’m tired of…over caring. Which leads to over sharing in many cases.

So I’m taking a step back. And this time, in a more definitive way. I’ve decided it’s time to turn Twitter into a professional account. The blog links and announcements will go there, but I won’t be around unless there’s a very special reason. I really enjoy interacting with a lot of peeps there, believe me. I’ll miss some of you guys, but I just need to not overload myself and I have a feeling a lot more of my actual readers are on Facebook.

As for Facebook? I’ll be on my author page a bit more (please don’t try to friend me on my private profile—I don’t accept anybody who isn’t a close family member or close friend, and I don’t answer messages sent through it—I never bother looking there). My assistant Jenn will still be answering the more basic questions there, but I’ll be around. HOWEVER…I won’t be putting all updates there because not enough people actually see them.

Mostly, I’ll be blogging and focusing on my monthly newsletter. I suggest keeping an eye on both to keep up to date with all the news—and there’s going to be quite a bit of it this year. I’m going to start including a few more goodies on the newsletter for you guys—always will have a recipe or anecdote or maybe a serial short story there that you can’t get anywhere else, along with all updates.

So yah… days I’ll work and occasionally check my FB. Evenings? I want to spend on reading and playing with the cats and talking to Sam and watching movies, rather than in hanging out online. I need the down time. And I know you understand.  🙂

Meanwhile, here’s a picture of Apple. Because he’s a cute l’il boy.


The Time Has Come, the Walrus Said…
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13 thoughts on “The Time Has Come, the Walrus Said…

  • 04/07/2015 at 12:43 pm

    This (burnout) is one of the main reasons I’m glad I don’t have a computer at home. My Mom’s computer is for WORK ONLY! We do NOT use it for anything else. I come here to the Library at least once a week to job hunt, and get caught up on my emails (and read your blogs/ newsletters). My best friend has to share their computer with her mom & dad. Sometimes she’s up late online. I don’t know when she sleeps! Of course, if I get into a good book, I have trouble putting it down and going to bed myself. I don’t have any other devices either, other than two “dumb phones”. I mainly use them for making calls or sometimes texting. I don’t do that (text) much either. Stick with your furry babies, and reminding your husband that you know he’s there.:)

  • 04/05/2015 at 11:05 pm

    Good for you! If you don’t take care of yourself first, how can you be expected to take care of all your other “people” (that includes your book worlds). I like the fact of you taking some of your own back.

  • 04/02/2015 at 10:13 pm

    “To much of a good thing” became a catch phase because it’s true. So glad you are taking care of you. I would hate for all that creativity to suffer. Thank you for all the tidbits so far. Apple must think he is your muse. Maybe he is. Can’t wait for the next newsletter.

    • 04/05/2015 at 10:07 pm

      I’m hoping people gravitate to the blog and newsletter. 🙂 And you’re welcome. And Apple is a goober. LOL

  • 04/02/2015 at 8:24 am

    Good for you on getting some balance back in your life. I love your newsletters and can’t wait to see what is ins tore from you in the future. Apple looks so good. 🙂

  • 04/02/2015 at 6:07 am

    I totally understand getting balance in your life. Like you I struggle with it. I am on a computer all day for work and mostly want to veg at home but that does no good. So I am scheduling in some fun time for me. It doesn’t have to be anything more than doing some sewing(which I love), playing with the dogs and cats(the herd) or reading a book before bed. We all struggle but knowing that there is someone else out there struggling with us helps.

    • 04/05/2015 at 10:09 pm

      Yah…it’s hard to get away from the computer at times. It’s important to have some sort of down time.

  • 04/02/2015 at 3:30 am

    I also struggle with getting the balance right. Plus the balance changes from time to time. Anyway, congrats on your decisions!

  • 04/01/2015 at 6:48 pm

    Good for you! I’m about to unfriend a bunch of people on FB who clutter up the feed. The first round was very freeing. I look forward to the newsletters.

    • 04/05/2015 at 10:11 pm

      *nods* Sometimes you have to, and I can do so much more with the newsletters than just posts here and there. 🙂

  • 04/01/2015 at 10:25 am

    My oh my…Apple knows how good looking he is! *hugs* on regaining balance 🙂

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