Crystal Web Release Parties!

Crystal Web Release Parties!

Are you ready for Crystal Web? I am! And I’m having parties to celebrate. Release Day: August 30, 2022 Crystal Web will delist from the wide vendors on the evening of September 5th and go into KU on September 6th.

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Swinging into Gear

snowy outside, notebook and coffee inside

So, I’m attempting to do all the things. We’re now into the new year and I’ve shifted a number of things and trying to keep track of them. They’ve been good changes, good shifts, but they require remembering new habits.

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We Made It–A New Year


We made it! We made it! We’re out of 2020 and into 2021. Yes, we’re still in the middle of pandemic, and no, the government hasn’t changed over to sanity yet–the latter will happen this month. But we’re in a

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“I’m no good for you, you’re no good for me…”

Some time ago, I pulled back. I stopped visiting Twitter, I let my assistant take over on FB. I stuck to my blog and found myself growing calmer. Things felt peaceful in my little part of the world and I

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Facebook, Writing, and Rain

It’s been a little while since I wrote a more personal blog. And actually, I’m not exactly writing this one — I’m using Dragon voice software because my hands are aching tonight from my tendinitis. I can’t use Dragon to

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The Time Has Come, the Walrus Said…

When I woke up at 5 AM, worried about how much I had to do, and how tired I was (and I wasn’t even out of bed yet, and hadn’t planned on being until 7:15), I realized I’m doing too

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