Some general bookish notes here:

Fligth From Death cover

Remember peeps: get your preorders for Flight from Death into Seattle Mystery Bookstore if you want a personalized signed copy. Do that by Tuesday in order to ensure they have enough copies for me next week when I go in to sign them.

On Tuesday, July 7, I will be participating in an online Facebook wall chat on the Project Paranormal page. Please drop by there and leave any questions you may have and I will answer them. It’s very helpful for my publisher to see my readers support.

Darkness Raging Cover

So yesterday I turned in Darkness Raging to my editor. There was a bittersweet feeling to turning the book in, because it will be the last Otherworld book I do with Berkley. Yes, I will be finishing the series

with Diversion – at least the spirit seals arc — but it’s time to move on and focus on new worlds and new stories. I have to face that sales on the series have dropped quite a bit. I also do NOT want to drag this series out to a point where it becomes exhausted. As to whether I will ever write more OW books after the last three that I put out with Diversion? I won’t automatically say no. There is a possibility. I have to see how the last three sell, to see if sales make it worth the time it takes to write these books.

I want to make sure that people know you do not have to read the Otherworld series in order to read the Fly By Night series. While it is a spinoff in one sense, there is very little crossover other than background characters and environment. I am NOT writing a clone of Otherworld, and I don’t want you guys expecting the D’Artigo sisters to be making cameos all through the series. Not going to happen. One of the things I wanted to avoid with this series is creating a massive storyline that has to span book after book after book. So each book will be more insular, much more complete within itself than the OW books are. The characters will always evolve in my worlds, but I truly intend to have it so that you can pick up any book in the series and dive right in.


In case there have been any questions about the matter, the Whisper Hollow series does not take place in any of the altaverses I have written about before. There will be no crossover between Whisper Hollow and any other series that I currently have out. I don’t think I’ve said much about this before, but I consider Autumn Thorns to be my best book yet. There’s something about the Whisper Hollow world that haunts me and I am truly hoping that my readers take this series to heart because I would love to write more than two books in it.

I have stated this before, but I recently got a few questions on: the Indigo Court world and Otherworld are not in the same altaverse, and there will be no crossover stories. It would not work. The worlds don’t fit together.

And while I am clarifying things, the Lily Bound series is set in its own altaverse as well–no crossovers. And you need to know that it will have a much stronger erotic edge even now the focus is on paranormal romantic suspense. So don’t be surprised to see more explicit language and sex than you’ll find in my other work.

So there are my notes and now I am off for the day, because I actually get to take a few days break before starting to write Flight from Mayhem.

You know, I am finding that keeping myself off of social media makes me a much happier camper and I have so much more time in which to enjoy doing other things that I love. So my twitter account will continue to primarily be an admin account. While I will definitely continue to drop into my Moon Stalkers Facebook group because I enjoy saying hello, you won’t find me hanging out anywhere online for any extended length of time anymore, unless it is a scheduled online chat.

Have a great—and safe—fourth of July!

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General Bookish Notes About My Books

2 thoughts on “General Bookish Notes About My Books

  • 07/07/2015 at 1:13 pm

    Hi. I found your Otherworld series by pure accident. I love it. When do you expect to have the last 3 books out. I am waiting for the Darkness Raging to be published so I can buy Priestess Dreaming and Panther Prowling and read all 3 together, like I have the others. I am starting the Indigo series on Thursday and then I will be off to read Flight from Hell and Flight from Death. I love your stories. Thanks. Hope your holiday was great.

  • 07/03/2015 at 2:04 pm

    Happy fourth, enjoy! Liked the information.


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