EARTHBOUND, an Otherworld Novella, releases today!
When Camille, Menolly, and Delilah D’Artigo are reassigned Earthside, they have no clue of what to expect. Getting situated in a new world, figuring out where they’re going to live, and what they’re going to do is an adventure in itself. Return to the beginning, as the adventure begins when the D’Artigo Sisters walk through the portals to their new home for the very first time!
Available now, in e-format only, on:
A few other things:
- Remember, you can also follow me on Bookbub if you want new release/sales blasts.
- Thank you ALL for your support and all the wonderful messages I received about my decision to go indie as an author—I need my readers more than ever now!
- The next Otherworld book has no firm release date yet, but will not be before 2017 at the earliest. As soon as I am clear on when it will come out, I will let you know.
Bright blessings,
Yasmine Galenorn
Looking forward to reading this! Thank you and best of good fortune!
Hope a print version will be available soon!
I’m sorry, but probably not for awhile. You can download Kindle and Nook apps for your computer, smart phone, and/or tablet. Mostly, as an indie, I’ll be moving over into e-format, and though we will eventually make print versions available of the full-length novels, collections of the shorts will be sporadic in this format.
Awesome, thank you! I’ve been missing my Otherworld stories.
So, we’re starting at the beginning again? or is this just for the novella?
Just for the novella. *laughs* I’ve always wanted to fill in that gap of what sent them over Earthside and how they first met Chase and Iris. And people were asking about it so… 🙂
Since Google isn’t listed – is this also available on aRE or Akido? Is Google going to be there?
Not likely, at least not for awhile. It’s a very tricky venue for authors to navigate, and I am not comfortable doing so yet. I’m sorry, but for now, it’s the main four. 🙂