Just a few random thoughts…

I have received so MANY supportive emails from readers since I announced that I was going indie, and I thank everybody who wrote. Seriously, reader support makes or breaks an author and I’m grateful that you guys will follow me on this new path. It means more books, better prices on e-books, a better return for me, more freedom for me as a writer, and I hope more worlds you’ll enjoy exploring. It’s a lot of work, and your encouragement helps so much.

I get a lot of wonderful fan support but today I got a letter that really made me smile. Not going into it, don’t want to divulge the contents but let’s just say…it warms my heart when I hear someone telling me that I had a great impact on his/her life and that my writing has helped them with their own struggles. I’ve heard that a number of times over the years, and it really brings a bright spot to my day.

Third: I’m so happy those of you who’ve picked up Earthbound have enjoyed it (well, everybody who has let me know). Thank you.

Fourth: I saw the preliminary cover for FURY RISING today and it rocks! It’s going to be SO pretty!

Fifth: I’ve more work to do, so good night, peeps. Dream deep and follow the dark sparklies into the woods, where the witch of the wild dances beneath the moonlight.

Empress of Dark Sparklies image

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4 thoughts on “Thoughts…

  • 05/02/2016 at 4:26 pm

    I love your books. I am always waiting for the next one. I have a question about the Indie books. Are they maybe going to be longer now that you have more control or about the same?

  • 04/24/2016 at 5:50 pm

    I love all your books, although the cozies and your non-fiction are my favorite. I will certainly follow you wherever you go.

  • 04/22/2016 at 12:55 pm

    I love your work Yasmine! I am a loyal reader through and through. I think its great that you are taking control of your publishing and I am excited to see what kind of worlds come from your freedom to write what you want! Better pricing will mean I get to purchase your books more often, so I am selfishly thrilled to be able to delve into your stories sooner than I might normally lol. You are an excellent author and with less restraints I can only imagine how much happier you will be as a writer and how much joy your readers will get from the magic that flows from your imagination! Thank you so much!

  • 04/22/2016 at 7:15 am

    I so love your books. Earthbound was read too fast! But it is nice to see more of the girls background.
    Since I already bought E books it is no hassle for me with you only printing in e books. I will miss being able to buy both e books and printed, but that’s life. Everything always changing.
    Best of luck on your new endeavor and may it get easier with less work for you as you keep going onward.


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