36 years ago today, Mount St. Helens erupted here in WA State. I was in a walking cast, at Evergreen State College. I still have a little bottle of ash from then. Today, our volcanoes are still just as active and dangerous as ever. Hundreds of thousands of us live near Mt. Rainer, who poses a potentially deadly threat, but we love the area and she’s our snow-capped natural goddess. A little info for those interested:

Cascade Volcanoes Observatory


And a couple pictures from when Sam and I went up there in 1999. One thing I noticed was how ALL the trees were the same height…and then I realized, it was because it was all replanted–millions of trees were blown down when St. Helen’s erupted…and the forests up there were gone. Now, all those young trees are still growing. 🙂

St. Helen St. Helen

Happy ‘Ruptaversary Mount St. Helens
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One thought on “Happy ‘Ruptaversary Mount St. Helens

  • 05/19/2016 at 3:10 pm

    I was watching the video n looked over and saw Flight from Mayham ready for pre-order, so I paused the video went to Seattle Mystery and got er done!! LOL.. Now I’m back to watching. My dad is from the Seattle area, luckily he was not there when it happened, he had joined the Army and was moving around a lot back then, I remember him being so scared, he kept calling home to make sure his family was ok, all of his family live there. I remember being so scared and sad for everyone, and I’m still sad for the losses Washington suffered. I’m glad you and Samwise made it through the disaster! Back to the video for me. Hope you have a good day 🙂


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