Person: How can I get a real copy of Fury Rising?

Me: Here are the links–

Person: No, no–I mean a *real* book, like your others.

Me: Fury Rising IS a real book. I wrote it. I wrote 80,000+ words of real book.

Person: I mean a real book. Like in the store.

Me: Oh, you mean you want a PRINT version of the book, because all versions are *real* books–E-book, audio (of those of my books that have audio), and print. Well, you can order it, but you won’t find this one in the store–like the vast majority of other books regardless of whether they are indie or trad published.

Person: Well, yeah, okay, but I want to order a real copy.

Me: *inwardly kicks the terribly insulting notion that what I write isn’t ‘real’ unless it’s in print at the store to the curb* Um, you can order a print version here–

Person: But that costs more than your other books.

Me: Gee. You’re right. It does. But the e-book version costs far less than my other books. *walks away, gritting teeth and trying not to be rude*


They’re ALL “real” books…
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22 thoughts on “They’re ALL “real” books…

  • 07/20/2016 at 5:04 pm

    I LOVE your books. Ebooks and print. I usually buy both. Ebooks so I can take it everywhere and print to keep on my shelf.
    Just keep writing!!

  • 07/19/2016 at 4:32 pm

    These kind of people are prohibiting themselves from enjoying anything. It’s ridiculous and outdated form of thinking. Sure, I’ll miss the signed copies of your books, Yasmine. But I LOVE having e-copies to read on my kindle. Whoever truly loves to read will make the transition. Let’s hope we can open their minds! I’m a superfan and will follow any format, anything and everything that you write. Blessed Be!

  • 07/19/2016 at 3:20 pm

    I am sorry you had to deal with that… Your books are real.. I don’t care if they were written in morse code I would still buy it :)A lot of Indie and Small press authors deal with the same thing.

    I work in a bookstore and I am always suggesting a person go online and buy the book in ebook format or paper if we don’t have it in store and can’t order it because it is Print on Demand or Indie press book. Unless an author comes in and sells their books directly to our store we don’t get a lot of Indie or small press print.

    Some people just don’t get it. In their mind if it isn’t in print then it isn’t real because “I don’t do ebooks”. Frustrating I know but just know that you have a lot of loyal readers who will buy that ecopy anyway when it comes out 🙂

    • 07/19/2016 at 6:46 pm

      Oh, I DO plan on having POD available for peeps, I do for Fury Rising, but yeah, it’s not the same as being able to get it into a store so that it benefits both store and the store owner, unless bought at totally wholesale and marked up part way so the author makes something, and the store owner still can.

  • 07/19/2016 at 2:18 pm

    I prefer print book. I love the feel of holding them and the feel of the pages. Another one of my favorite authors always has an additional picture of the heroine on the back cover wearing a pretty dress. A clash with the front cover where she’s in her bad ass armor. However I also enjoy the E format of books. I own a Nook and have many wonderful books downloaded.

  • 07/19/2016 at 12:55 pm

    Sorry she was so rude. Some people just don’t understand that they are hurting others feelings.
    E-books are real books. There is no doubt about that. You get the same content as in a print book, sometimes even more. You work just as hard and put just as much love into a book that is coming out as an e-book as you do a print book!
    However, I feel her pain about part of what she said. I really do prefer print books. I love the feel of the book in my hand, being able to study the art work from different views, even the smell of the book. Yup, I’m a dork that way. 🙂
    I do have a lot of e-books (free books from Amazon rock!), but they just (to me) aren’t as good as the print books.
    Being on a limited budget, I have to pick and choose what books I actually get to buy very carefully. Your books have always been at the top of my list. Now, with the prices going up, I can no longer buy the print versions. 🙁
    Yes, I know I can (and will) get the e-book version, but it is not the same.
    I am not trying to bring you down! I know you thought so long about this and made the decision that made you feel great! I am glad for you and hope it works out as amazing as you believe it will! I will continue to support you through buying your amazing books and letting others know about them so they can also enjoy them.

    • 07/19/2016 at 3:17 pm

      One thing people aren’t realizing–Berkley no longer is willing to publish my work. If I don’t go indie, there will be no more books for anybody to read, print or e-books. Authors don’t tell a publisher to publish them. And authors get very little input into the entire process with a traditional publisher. The trade offs for the freedom I have now, and the potential to make a better living…it’s so freeing. 🙂

      • 07/21/2016 at 1:17 pm

        Well, it is very much Berkley’s loss! You are an amazing author and they made a very bad business decision.
        I am sorry if what I said came off as all judgie 🙁 That was not what I wanted to do at all! Your work totally rocks and I will be buying the e-books (when I can, I will be picking up the print also, ’cause I’m a book snob that way, LOL).
        Yeah for a happy Yasmine! It makes life so much easier when that weight is lifted off your shoulders!

  • 07/19/2016 at 2:58 am

    People can be so ignorant. I had a “discussion” with a person while sitting in a dr office once. I had my kindle out and was happily reading away and she had to say “you must not like to read real books. I bet you only read smut”. Well, i kimda lost my temper a bit. Needless to say she got a lesson that ebooks are real books. Dont let the idiots bring you down. We love your work and will always support you!

  • 07/19/2016 at 1:48 am

    While I generally do prefer print books (especially the non-fiction section), I agree that all books (print, audio, electronic) are real.

    I’m a reluctant convert to electronic format, and will admit that it’s been a financial saver for traveling (not only price wise, but lugging books around, and saving on weight).

  • 07/19/2016 at 12:21 am

    Seriously, I’m not surprised some people think that way, though I do believe it’s rather dumb to do that. However, it’s their loss if they’re going to be so closed minded. Yes I used to only want print books at one point in time, but it was only because it was easier for me to carry a book around as my iPad is heavy (saving up to get a mini so it’s less difficult on my wrists) and sometimes reading on my iPhone is difficult at times. Now, I don’t care and I’m only two chapters from the end of Fury Rising. So awesome and can’t wait for book two.

  • 07/18/2016 at 10:33 pm

    I prefer print but I will read my authors in any format, if that’s the only way to get it!

  • 07/18/2016 at 9:49 pm

    Seriously, the book is just a vehicle for the story. I love your stories! I don’t care how it is delivered to my eyes for my brain to eat up. A good story could be written down, typed out, printed in a paperback book, chiseled in stone for all I care! If you write a good story, I want to read/listen to it. But, I do prefer e-book. Really, how many times to do you need to point out that you have switched to indie, digital, and print-on-demand? Sorry you have to deal with this kind of nonsense.

  • 07/18/2016 at 9:24 pm

    I have to wonder if they were seriously that close-minded about what qualifies as ‘real’ books (by their logic, I suppose used copies at used bookstores might not count either), or if they were trolling you. Some of us have seen similar arguments about books and other things from trolls, both online and IRL.
    But look on the bright side, if they’re seriously that stupid not to get that “e-book/print books both=BOOK,” they might order the same novel in several different formats, so they basically buy several copies of one book from you. Hey, nothing wrong with taking advantage of silly people when it doesn’t harm them (except maybe their pride) and it means better earnings for you! 🙂

  • 07/18/2016 at 8:22 pm

    Yeah I have been told by many people that they only prefer physical books. I like the cheapest. That tends to be ebook but sometimes is a physical copy. They’re all real – just different. If they love your work they will follow you no matter what.

  • 07/18/2016 at 8:00 pm

    Just finished reading Fury Rising on my Kobo this weekend and loved it. Looking forward the the 2nd in the series and your other new releases

  • 07/18/2016 at 7:48 pm

    I don’t know why people have that idea that ebooks aren’t real books. If you can read it in ANY format it’s a BOOK! I told an acquaintance that I had a library of over a thousand books on my various Kindles & she tried to tell me I really did not have any books on there, that I didn’t own them. Totally mistaken ! I do have your books in print, but I have other authors entirely in ebook format.

  • 07/18/2016 at 7:13 pm

    That’s ok Yasmine, we love all your ‘real’ books! I am on chapter 6 of Fury Rising and I am in love! (As usual lol) You are so amazing! Keep up the great work and I will keep buying them ‘real’ or not

  • 07/18/2016 at 7:09 pm

    The effed up thing about this? It’s not just ppl Facebook pages do it too. As long as I can read it and it cost me money to buy! It’s a damn book! Lol

  • 07/18/2016 at 6:54 pm

    I used to be a real book purist for maybe the first couple years of kindle but being able to have your books without carrying books is amazing, plus instant gratification is amazing as well! I also don’t own a single “real print copy” of your books mostly I own them in audio format actually for this OW series. Don’t let it get to you Yasmine! It’s frustrating I’m sure.

  • 07/18/2016 at 6:02 pm

    Yes happens all the time, and I love ebooks better then print at times. It’s all real though, and I’m definitely sick of people saying ebooks aren’t real since all the formats deliver a story.

  • 07/18/2016 at 5:49 pm

    Well then according to this person, I don’t have any “real” copies of your books because most of your books that I own are in e-book format and I prefer it that way so I can have ALL of them with me when I travel. People are so ignorant sometimes. I love your stories Yasmine!!! Can’t wait to see what’s next!!!


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