Yes, I’m rebooting the Chintz ‘n China Series. It will be in both E-format and print version like my other indie books, though you will NOT be able to get them in bookstores. (Yes, there are plenty of used copies around, but you really WANT the e-copies, right!?). There will be an additional feature in each book that wasn’t in the originals–the “Behind the Book” feature, which will give you fun insights into how the book’s story evolved. I’ll be releasing the books starting THIS month! So now’s your chance to read the adventures of Emerald O’Brian–single mother, town witch, and unwilling amateur sleuth.

So, here are the new covers. I love them and I’m sure loving being able to direct the cover art.


Chintz ‘n China New Cover Reveals!

6 thoughts on “Chintz ‘n China New Cover Reveals!

  • 10/06/2017 at 9:40 am

    I’m now on book 5 of this series, and can’t rewd them fast enough. Do you have any plans on continuing the series at all???

    • 10/06/2017 at 10:14 am

      No, but there is a holiday novella I wrote last year to wrap up the series called Holiday Spirits!

  • 10/07/2016 at 4:23 pm

    Looking forward to buying them

  • 10/07/2016 at 4:11 am

    I am so going to check and see if our local bookstore has them! Now to just save up the money to get them! I absolutely love the covers on these! I haven’t gotten a chance to read this series YET! But I plan on it.

    • 10/07/2016 at 4:08 pm

      I’m sorry, you won’t be able to get the re-releases in bookstores. You will have to order them online, like my other indie books. You might be able to find some copies in used bookstores of the old releases.

  • 10/06/2016 at 6:46 pm

    I LOVE them! And with the extra gift of “behind the scenes” stuff I will have to begin collecting the new ones. (Although there’s no way I’ll get rid of the original books.) Thank you for giving us fun new stuff!


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