A couple of years ago around this time, I started a project called my Year of Trees. I took a picture of the same street every week for a year, noting the changes to the trees that line that road. I really enjoyed it and a number of my readers did too, so I decided to reprise it. But I wanted to focus on a different area. So I decided to go to Marymoor Park, a large park in the area with a number of vantage points. I found two that struck me–so each week (unless I’m sick or other major factors intervene) I will be posting pictures of those two places, taken from the same vantage point. I invite you to come along on my year-long journey with me.

Week 8: Seattle has broken the record for the wettest October. And boy have we had rain–the area’s lush and chilly and cool and the leaves are deserting the trees. We went out to a park today–will post pictures later this week. Was rainy and chilly and the waves were choppy. Absolute heaven!

October tree October tree

A Year of Marymoor: Week 8
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