Fury's Magic

I’ve got a massive backlist out there, but I’m focusing mostly on my indie releases now, which a lot of my readers haven’t heard of yet. So we’re going to be putting up excerpts of the indie work I’ve done—both full length and short collections, each Wednesday, to encourage you to give my new work a try.


Today’s excerpt comes from Fury’s Magic.


“My name is Kaeleen Donovan. I’m a Theosian-a minor goddess. They call me Fury.”

By day, I run the Crossroads Cleaning Company, and I also read fortunes and cast hexes at Dream Wardens, a magical consulting shop. But by night, I’m oath-bound to Hecate, Goddess of the Crossroads. Hecate charged me from birth with the task of hunting down Abominations who come in off the World Tree and sending them back to Pandoriam.

On a routine cleaning job in Portside—a boat full of ghosts need their joyride cut short—Tam and I run afoul of the Devani. The ruthless soldiers of Elysium capture him and send him out to the Tremble, a place of wild, chaotic madness. Jason and I devise a plan to sneak in and help Tam escape. But Lyon and the Order of the Black Mist reappear, and I’m on their hit list. Lyon opens a door to the realm of Tartarus and the walking dead are pouring into the city. Now, we must wade through both the Devani the dead to save Tam. And we must close the portal on the World Tree before Lyon manages to wake the Elder Gods of Chaos.

Buy Links:

KINDLE & Print: https://goo.gl/iOVg86
BN: https://goo.gl/9W42rZ
iTUNES: https://goo.gl/bhPZ9P
KOBO: https://goo.gl/3BT3rp


“Welcome to Asylum. This is a one of the few safe places on the Tremble. My grandparents discovered the passages. When they realized that the energy can’t penetrate down here, they—and their kin—turned it into a sanctuary. You don’t want to be out in the open during storms. The Starklings wait for them—both rain and snow. They’re quiet in summer so we take advantage of their absence to find and store food.” She glanced back at me. I was getting used to her cat-like appearance, although she still seemed a disturbing blend.

“Are you a shifter?” I decided to be blunt. This wasn’t the moment for subtlety, given the race against time to find Tam.

Rasheya laughed. “No. I’m not. Nor am I Theosian. I’m one of the Mudarani. I don’t think there’s much written about us. We don’t change form.”

As we hurriedly made our way through the winding passage, I racked my brain for any memory of anything about the Mudarani, but came up empty. And it would have been rude to ask the others if they knew anything about her kind, at least in front of her.

Another few twists and turns through the brick passage and we came to a T-junction, with a door to the right, a door to the left, and a door straight ahead. She turned left and we followed her through into another passage, then stopped in front of the first door we came to.

“Here we are. I’ve brought you to the visitor’s center where we keep all those seeking asylum. I’m one of the intake specialists, so I’ll be taking your story and figuring out where we can place you.”


Backlist Blitz Excerpts: Fury’s Magic
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