It’s Caturday and time for cute fluffy-wuzziness. Today it’s: Apple! It’s Caturday! Tagged on: cats It's Caturday
Jean06/24/2017 at 1:21 pmPermalink Apple looks like my Binx’s twin brother. Biinx is a keyboard kitty too. LOl Reply
Midge06/24/2017 at 1:13 pmPermalink Caturday is my favorite day! Looks like you are getting some ‘help’ on the computer! đŸ™‚ Reply
Apple looks like my Binx’s twin brother. Biinx is a keyboard kitty too. LOl
Caturday is my favorite day! Looks like you are getting some ‘help’ on the computer! đŸ™‚
Apple! Who looks hard at work;)