Fury Calling

KINDLE: https://goo.gl/jn4imf
NOOK: https://goo.gl/EocWxD
iBOOKS: https://goo.gl/7eA2oN
KOBO: https://goo.gl/RLnLCM
PRINT: coming within 10-14 days!

My name is Kaeleen Donovan. I’m a Theosian—a minor goddess. They call me Fury.

By day, I run the Crossroads Cleaning Company, and I also read fortunes and cast hexes at Dream Wardens, a magical consulting shop. But by night, I’m oath-bound to Hecate, goddess of the Crossroads. Hecate charged me from birth with the task of hunting down Abominations who come in off the World Tree and sending them back to Pandoriam.

We’ve settled into the Wild Wood and have begun to rebuild our home, taking what we can from the past to work toward the future. When I have a vision in which Gaia shows me how to stop the Order of the Black Mist, I realize that we must return to the fallen city of Seattle for one last stand at the World Tree. But there’s a spy in our midst, determined to stop us.

As destiny brings me face-to-face with my future, I face a terrible decision—either I save the world from chaos and sacrifice a dear friend to the enemy, or I let Lyon win and plunge the world into a hellish nightmare from which there’s no awakening.

And, if you haven’t read any of Fury’s books yet, you can get the first one on sale for a limited time only.

Book 1:

FURY RISING — on sale for a limited time for .99 cents!

KINDLE & PRINT: https://goo.gl/iOVg86
NOOK: https://goo.gl/9W42rZ
iBOOKS: https://goo.gl/bhPZ9P
KOBO: https://goo.gl/3BT3rp

Book 2:


KOBO: https://goo.gl/1JNBJg
Kindle & Print: https://goo.gl/5rsq4B
iBOOKS: https://goo.gl/WfETZj
NOOK: https://goo.gl/d7UA1j

Book 3:


KINDLE & PRINT: https://goo.gl/6FPGfK
NOOK: https://goo.gl/y8Fgxu
KOBO: https://goo.gl/WK6r94
iBOOKS: https://goo.gl/3uZqaZ



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  • 08/29/2017 at 6:47 pm


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