Speaking of the Witching Season and candy (Brain Candy Friday–get it????), what are your favorite Halloween candies? I can’t eat most candies anymore, but oh man, I miss Reeses Peanut Butter Cups and Candy Corn. LOVE both. So what are your favorites for the season?
Brain Candy Friday
Anything chocolate! I’m not very picky.
I hardly ever eat candy, but I like the candy corn this time of year it reminds my of my childhood. Occasionally Reese cups, and peanut m&m’s.
Candy pumpkins, Reese’s peanut butter cups in both milk and white chocolate, Skittles, Starburst, peanut MnMs, Butterfingers and Twix bars. I have cut waaaay back on them, but I love junk food. Every once in a while I let myself snag a package from the shelves in the grocery store checkout line.
I have a bag of candy corn sitting next to me on the table.. Every now n then I reach over n snag a few LOL. My teeth scream at me in anger but I don’t care teeth!!
Oh, man! Pumpkin shaped peanut putter cups! They taste SO much better than the regular cupped shapes ones, don’t ask me why. I also like those mallow cream pumpkins—yeah they are overly sweet, but that’s why I seldomly indulge.
My favorites are frozen Reece’s peanut butter cups and frozen Andes mints. All of my kids eat their Reece’s frozen too!
My weakness is Sweedish Fish, Sour Patch Watermelons or Strawberries, and 3 Musketeers. I ALWAYS have a stash hidden by my bed & my kids give them to me out of their Halloween candy or if they go to the store with their Daddy they’ll get me a surprise!
I admit peanut butter m&m’s are my weakness, but I do also love reese’s peanut butter cups. I am not able to eat them when I want due to stomach issues. But a girl canamed dream.☺☺
I love candy corn, Milky Ways, and Reese Cups. I could eat till I was sick! Lol! I have to be careful nowadays about how much sugar and fat I eat. But, I still try to get a little bit in. I also love caramel apples.
I keep candy corn and peanuts in a jar for my children. They love it. I like it in small doses lol