Yes, yet another announcement. If you want to continue to get blog post notifications from this site (and hey, of course you do! What I have to say is STUPENDOUS! GREAT! MAGNIFICENT! …oh okay, it is what it is and I hope you like it), we’ll need you to sign up again with our new handy-dandy GDPR compliant sign up form. We will be ELIMINATING (cue ominous music) our entire blog subscriber data base in a couple days because I have no proof that you opted in for notifications from this website since our old plug in we used went belly up and there’s no support for it anymore.
THIS IS NOT THE SAME AS REGISTERING FOR THE SITE. This just means you get email when I put up new posts!
So, you can sign up for blog subscription notifications ON THIS PAGE. You may receive double notifications if you are on my old list, but that will only be for a couple days