Pretty gift bag sitting in a flower planter

It’s almost Litha–Summer Solstice–so, it’s time for some Summer Fun! I’m giving away a pretty gift bag FULL of goodies to one of my readers. 🙂 To enter, please comment on this blog only (no entries anyplace else), and tell me first, whether you are US or overseas, and then answer the following:

Which one of my Indie series characters is your fave so far and why? (Out of the Fury Unbound Books, the Bewitching Bedlam Books, and the Wild Hunt Series).

If you haven’t read the new work yet, (and why haven’t you? *grins*–no, you don’t have to tell me why you haven’t but hey, I hope you do because…great books that I’m having fun writing!) then tell me what your favorite summer activity is!

You can answer both questions, if you like. 😉

You must be 18 or older to enter, and by entering you acknowledge we will be collecting your snail mail address if you win. We won’t use it for anything other than the contest unless required to do so by law.

Contest closes to entries at midnight June 21st, 2018. No entries after that will be eligible.

Summer Contest!
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88 thoughts on “Summer Contest!

  • 06/21/2018 at 12:21 pm

    Hi Debra from Florida, over 18. While I really love all of the characters in your books, from your Indie series I have to say that my favorite is Bubba, I am enjoying learning more about his backstory and love his playful sneaky belly wishes. My favorite summer time activity is enjoying time outdoors. I love to canoe, hike and sit out in nature.

  • 06/20/2018 at 8:31 pm

    Howdy!! Autumn here from the U. S. ! I haven’t ready any new ones yet (still tryong to catch up on The Otherworld series; yay bk 15!!) so I’ll answer with one of those characters just because and answer the other question!

    Camille is my fave character probably EVER!!! I can relate with her similar curves, attitude, and of course because she’s the witch of the series. And i love the fact that her spells don’t always go as planned (which sucks at time), but it’s so true with how magic really works! Haha

    As for my fave thing to do during summer, going to all the county faires that open during the season. Warm evenings, good food and good company.

  • 06/20/2018 at 1:33 pm

    Hi I’m Christine and I’m from the U.S. I’m picking Fury although I love them all! She’s been through hell and came out the better for it. My favorite summertime activities are reading and swimming while my husband fishes.

  • 06/20/2018 at 11:07 am

    I like Fury. She is strong and determined to fo the thing. Plus I like seeing a different type of paranormal type than the usual fae, witches, shifters etc. She is fearless. Personally though I think Camille is still my overall fav character though.

  • 06/20/2018 at 10:13 am

    im Holly and im in the US. I love fury because she is learning to adapt to the changes in her life and her world while making wonderful new friends.

  • 06/20/2018 at 7:50 am

    Hello, 54 years young here from the USA. I have read all your books, fiction and non-fiction. I love the Fury series and the Silver Stag. The characters are amazing, strong woman roles but each has their softer side too. All are very entertaining and keep me coming back for more. Thankyou, for doing what you do.

  • 06/20/2018 at 2:01 am

    I am Dallas, over 18, live in New Zealand and Ember from the Wild Hunt series is my favourite, interested to see where this one goes. I also like Fury.

  • 06/19/2018 at 4:52 pm

    Hello, name’s Kara, over 18, live in the US.
    ***SPOILER about the characters***

    Question one easy peasey, fave would be Bubba!!! Not only is he a cat, but he’s a genie who can grant wishes by rubbin his belly (granted yes they mostly, always go wrong) but still he’s a CAT!! and I love cats!
    Question two hanging out at the beach! Love the sand and the water, beach volleyball, horseshoes, great fun all around at the beach!

  • 06/19/2018 at 3:59 pm

    USA & 57. It isn’t so much that I have have a favorite character, as it is that I have a favorite environment. That’s Bewitching Bedlam. The physical environment fascinates: where & how do ‘normals’ & ‘paras’ interact & cross-over? Are they independent or co-dependent? The character/species I’m most intrigued by are the Aunties.

  • 06/19/2018 at 9:18 am

    Hi! I haven’t been able to read your new characters yet. I will though. I read so many books and so many genres. Lol The 21st is my birthday and I’ll be 33 years young!!! Lol That would be a wicked birthday present. 😉 Anywho; my favorite summer activity is swimming. I have loved water all my life. When I was young my parents had little 3 footers and I would always pretend I was a mermaid. Lol Still do. 🙂 My Autistic daughter loves the water too and I’m so proud of how far she’s come in swimming and being responsible in the water. She is like a little fish. My hubby isn’t a big fan of swimming! Haha Of course I marry someone who’s a land lover. 😉 And I’m glad I did. He’s awesome. ❤ Thank you for all the opportunities and these awesome fun contests. 🙂 You are awesome. I’ve been reading Harvest Song and it is so good. I promise I will get to your indie books asap. 😉 Have a great Litha!!!!!

  • 06/19/2018 at 9:00 am

    Hi. I’m well over 18 (less than a month from turning 41.) and live in the US.

    I haven’t had the chance to check out any of your new Indie series as of yet.

    Picking a favorite summer activity is a toughie. It’s a toss up of three things: renting a cabin in the mountains , a grilled food(made by my amazing husband)and horseback riding. There is nothing better than the view of the mountains from between a horse’s ears. Or relaxing in the quiet of a mountain evening afterward while smelling the grill cook up some delicious steaks.

  • 06/19/2018 at 8:45 am

    In the US, three months from 30 (woo!)

    I hate admitting this, but I haven’t read the new Indie books yet! I’m at the tail end of a broken leg from roller derby and at the front end of a crappy divorce, so all my time is spent either working and trying to catch up on bills, or snuggling my two girls. I can’t wait to start them once I have the extra funds to put towards books again, I love everything you create!

    My favorite summer activity is easily swimming. I’m in Arizona, so there really isn’t a whole lot else to do for a sun-sensitive ginger!

  • 06/19/2018 at 8:39 am

    Brightest blessings! Lauren here 36 from the USA. I honestly can’t choose between Maddie & Fury. I have been a fan of the sisters in your Otherworld series for about 14 years and reading your new series has been exciting! I love Fury and Maddie because they are both strong females who follow their own path and never give up no matter the obstacles! As for my favorite summer activity… swimming with my two sons

  • 06/19/2018 at 6:30 am

    I live in the US. So far, I like Maddie the best. I love her independence.

  • 06/19/2018 at 3:48 am

    Hi, I am in the U.S. I know it sounds funny because I love strong female characters, but I really love Bubba! I must be partial to cats

  • 06/18/2018 at 7:05 pm

    I’m Alli and I reside in the US.
    That’s a tough question…I think I would have to say…Maddy. She’s such a badass and has such a sassy personality. I love how she has her flaws but doesn’t let anything stop her and constantly tries to better herself.

  • 06/18/2018 at 3:47 pm

    Hi. In the USA (TN). And way past 18, lol!
    Favorite new indie series is … All of them!
    Favorite character of the three is Maddie (Bewitching Bedlam series). I’m drawn to witches, especially characters that have fought to remain true to themselves in spite of really nasty obstacles, and Maddie has fought through much more that most of your characters. I love her story, but now you’ve started the Wild Hunt Series, and Ember is fast becoming another favorite.
    My favorite summer activity is.. same as the other seasons.. reading. It’s pretty hot here in TN in the summer, and reading in the air conditioned comfort of my living room with a cold glass of water at my side is really, really great. Sure glad I’m living in an era that includes air conditioning.

  • 06/18/2018 at 1:33 pm

    My name is Helle and I’m from Denmark. I love Fury and I’m fast falling for Ember. I can’t wait for the next books in The Wild Hunt series.

  • 06/18/2018 at 8:55 am

    vegas, nv. usa resident. i am reading the d’artigo sisters rightnow and am loving them when i am finish with them or caught up then i will go to other series by same author. love your writing Yasmine.

  • 06/18/2018 at 8:54 am

    vegas, nv. usa resident. i am reading the d’artigo sisters tigjt now and am loving them when i am finish with them or caught up then i will go to other series by same author. love your writing Yasmine.

  • 06/18/2018 at 4:34 am

    Hi! I live in the US (Washington) My favorite new character has to be Ember from Wild Hunt series, there’s just something about her! I, of course have loved all your books I’ve read!!! My first favorite is the Otherworld series. I’m a little sad it’s ending, but you give lots more to read. I’m hoping there will be more Whispering Hollow at some point. I really loved it! I’ve also read all the Myst series, you’ve got me hooked. My favorite summer activity in being in the woods, camping, hiking, or just relaxing, oh reading and gardening too. Thank you and have a great summer!

  • 06/18/2018 at 2:02 am

    Definitely over 18 and live in Iowa. I haven’t read any of the indie books yet, but they’re on my TBR list. Believe it or not, my favorite summer activity is mowing my yard. I love the smell of fresh cut grass, and I find it a calming and soothing activity. Plus the added bonus of exercise and sweating out the week’s toxins!

  • 06/17/2018 at 4:49 pm

    I am in the USA and over 18. I love to swim in the summer and I love all of your books. I love Fury alot because so is such a strong woman and I love all her friends as well.

  • 06/17/2018 at 12:47 am

    I’m Mia from the US and I just started and finished The Silver Stag and I have to say as much as I love Ember and Angel, and The Wild Hunt themselves. Morganna is hands down my favorite. I love how she is so intimidating and awe-inspiring but also so very much a good-humored mother. I really want to see more of her and her abilities (and her fashion sense). All your characters are dressed to kill (literal and figurative). I also really did enjoy Reilly for being extremely interesting and not too excessively dramatic. It was nice to see a seer be shown as pretty normal than with all the theatrics you usually see them with.
    Also I adore pool lounging and reading by the water when I’m not constantly working, and getting to spend a weekend at our Renaissance Faire.

    • 06/18/2018 at 8:47 am

      Also I’m turning 31 the 1st of July right before Oak and Thorns releases. So excited to continue the journey with the Wild Hunt!

  • 06/16/2018 at 6:30 pm

    Hey, I am Tom, from Oklahoma, in the US. It is a tough call, but I am going to say so far my favorite Indie series is Bewitching Bedlam. my favorite summer activity is either swimming, or hanging around a bonfire with some of my god friends, either singing songs, or telling stories. My favorite Indie series character is, paws down, Bubba, followed by a tie between Maddy and Fury, then Cassandra. I just recently started reading the Wild Hunt series and am thoroughly enjoying it so far.

  • 06/16/2018 at 2:39 pm

    Hi I`m Birgit from Germany. My favourite character from your Indie work is Maudlin from Bewitching Bedlam, second best is Fury.Love your books for so many years!I`m 47.
    In this time of the year i´d like to work in our garden and in the afternoon i like to read books.

  • 06/16/2018 at 11:49 am

    This is Tara from Texas, USA. I have not read any of these books yet but definitely plan too. My favorite summer activities include hiking, swimming and road-trips!

  • 06/16/2018 at 11:23 am

    A hard choice as I like a lot of characters in these series, but I would go with Sandy from the Bewitching Bedlam series because she is a smart business lady who likes to party and because the Tiger Tails story got me into your digital releases. As for the summer, it is my least favorite time of year as I Iive in Florida and enjoy vicariously experiencing the coolness of the Northwest through your works. But I do like to swim in the pool and in Florida’s springs.

  • 06/16/2018 at 10:45 am

    Hi. I’m Kelly Erickson from California USA and I like Wild Hunt because it’s the only one I’ve read so far. Summer is Road Trip season. My first “summer” trip is in February and my last is usually in October. Benefits of living in California, nearly year round “summers”. ❤☉

  • 06/16/2018 at 10:33 am

    Hey there! My name’s Corrie, and I live in New Mexico, USA. I have read all of your new books and love each mc’s for different reasons. I love Maddy’s resilience, the compassion she has somehow maintained over centuries, and her ability to rebuild her inner strength after being deeply emotionally scarred. I appreciate her struggle to trust her intuition about loving another man, first her terrible ex and then Aegis, but her determination to continue forward regardless. I love the dichotomy between seeing her struggle and knowing that she’s truly badass because it encourages relatability with the reader. No one is only weak or only strong, we all have past experiences that make us insecure, but have left us forged of steel. Finally, her internal fire for justice, to help those in need even at her own risk, makes Maddy a character that I can’t wait to read more about!
    My favorite summer activity is swimming, but as I live in a land locked state that is also desert, I enjoy sitting in the shade in our garden with a book. We have beautiful desert willows, oleander, and desert birds of paradise to color our drought savvy yard.
    Keep writing!!! I can’t get enough!

  • 06/16/2018 at 9:52 am

    Kara here =) and I reside in the US. I fell in love with the Otherworld Series as well as the Indigo Court Series. I have yet to read any of your Indie works and after browsing around your website this morning, I am truly looking forward to reading those as well. =) My favorite Summer past times include going to the beach. Something about the salty sea air, the sounds of the waves crashing against the shore, and the wind through my hair (sighs) just one of the best and most calming feelings! I also enjoy road trips with the family; being able to see and explore different places and having different experiences.

  • 06/16/2018 at 8:59 am

    Hi, I am 42 and live in Canada. I was introduced to yur writing not long ago by a friend. I have only a few of the sisters of the moons books. I love their world and as looking forward to reading more of yur writing. My favorite summer activities lately is taking the grandkids swimming and spending time playing as well as learning with them. Thanx can’t wait to read some more of yur books.

  • 06/16/2018 at 8:47 am

    I’m Julie and I live in western Montana. It’s hard to choose a favorite Indie series because all your books are great and I love them. I would have to say Wild Hunt. As far as character Fury for main character and Bubba for a familiar. I love to hike, travel especially to the WA & BC coasts line and I read everyday.

  • 06/16/2018 at 6:17 am

    I’m Heather, I’m 36, and from the US. It’s hard to choose, I love all 3 series. But if I I had to choose I would say Bewitching Bedlam. I love the way Maddie, even though he could have killed her, was willing to risk everything to give Aegis the benefit of the doubt and find someone who loves her for who she is, regardless of her past. But I do love all of the Series and cannot wait until the next Wild Hunt book. My favorite Summers activity is going for walks with my son and dog.

  • 06/15/2018 at 7:48 pm

    I’m fro colorful and hot now Colorado. Have to say I love Mad Maudlin with Fury being a very close second. Love the witchy powerful women who know what they can do and what they want and who they are. <3.

    • 06/15/2018 at 7:50 pm

      And I am a young 51. Have no problems with growing older (other than the back, the knees, the hips) but I refuse to grow old.

  • 06/15/2018 at 6:15 pm

    Hi! I am well over 18 and live in Wa. State. My favorite series is still Otherworld, with Indigo Court a super close second, I realize this wasn’t the question but I just had to say it LOL. I really like Fury so far, she speaks to my inner self, she is everything I would be if I could. She is so determined and strong.. Things I used to be LOL.. Summer is amazing, I have 17 rose bushes I planted myself that I tend to, and that my dear is what living is all about now 🙂 oh, and reading Galenorn books in the garden!! Fun days!

  • 06/15/2018 at 6:12 pm

    I am over 18 and live in the US. My favorite Summer activity is staying inside and reading! We used to go to my Sister’s for a weekend in the Summer and visit with her family, & swim in her pool, but my Mom can’t make the trip any more. So we have “stay-cations” now. Maybe go to the movies.

  • 06/15/2018 at 4:32 pm

    I’m in the US and am over 18. I love ALL your series (traditional and indie). Choosing only one favorite character is very tricky. Of the series listed, I think my favorite character is Fury.

  • 06/15/2018 at 4:20 pm

    I live in the US and am over 18. My favorite character is Maudlin from Bewitching Bedlam. I’m also a fan of Bubba but he makes me think twice before I rub my cat’s tummy. My favorite summer activities are working with my herbs and reading.

  • 06/15/2018 at 1:27 pm

    I’m in Canada and I’m a big fan of your Otherworld series and I love Camille and her handsome men!
    I enjoy reading, traveling, my family and life!!

  • 06/15/2018 at 1:25 pm

    I am a big fan of your Otherworld series and my favorite must be Camille and her husband’s! I will try all your series as soon as I get caught up. I live in London Ontario Canada and love to camp, read and travel.

  • 06/15/2018 at 12:39 pm

    Live in the US. I love all your books, but if you’re really making me pick , Ember. I don’t know why but just can’t very enough. I’m over 18.

  • 06/15/2018 at 10:34 am

    I’m in the US (Colorado) and WAY over 18. My favorite character of the listed series is Maudlin from Bewitching Bedlam. Also, my favorite summer activity is working in the herb beds and working on my circle’s Summer Soltice Ritual.

  • 06/15/2018 at 8:53 am

    Hi, I’m Amanda Hellman, I’m over 18 and I live in the U. S. This was very hard for me to decide on one character from all your Indi works, but I would choose Ember. She is so strong, determined, confident and of course the fact that she is Fae. But She is everything I’d would want myself to be if I lived in that world. I’m a little like her in personality, but overall I’m not like her. I love her and admire her for who she is. She is what our world needs as a representative of what women can be!❤️

  • 06/15/2018 at 8:26 am

    I am 38. I have all your books on my wish list, especially the newer ones. I have your other world series (which I love). My favorite activity is Marching band camp. My kids are in band and I am the parent that gets to take their pictures so their parents learn that it isn’t just sitting and playing music. I get to help their parents understand what band really is another word for family:)

  • 06/15/2018 at 5:39 am

    Hi my name is Beth, I’m a US resident. I love Fury and Maddy. (Don’t ask me to choose between them!) I love summer because I can an do, swim for hours everyday.

    • 06/15/2018 at 5:41 am

      Oh and I’m way over 18!

  • 06/15/2018 at 4:59 am

    I’m Michelle, I am over 18 and live in the USA… Kaeleen is my favorite of your newest series.. She is so feisty and spunky that I loved her from the beginning… I have been a huge fan of yours starting out with your Otherworld series and my favorite series of your, The Indigo Court series… During the summer some of my favorite things to do is spend time with my daughter swimming and curling up with a good book by the pool or in front of the AC… It gets pretty hot here where I live 😛

  • 06/15/2018 at 4:08 am

    Hi I’m over 18 and live overseas (Australia). Maddy would be my favorite and summer fun would be having a barbeque and swimming so barbeques by the water are perfect

  • 06/15/2018 at 12:42 am

    I’m Elissa, I live in the US!
    I’d been a fan of your OtherWorld Series in the past. When I moved to Virginia from NY, I gifted my collection to a friend with the intent of switching to ebooks. That was six years ago. Honestly, my life got to busy for books for a while there. I got married, embraced poly, moved 3 times, bought a house, and lived my life. Unfortunately, about 18 months ago, my health failed. I have Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome, but was managing to stay working. I can no longer do so. Thankfully my husband and girlfriends are supportive and are encouraging of me finding things to do or ways to spend my time.
    I recently got back into reading for pleasure(or listening to audiobooks on bad days). I was reintroduced to your books via a friend’s Facebook and am both thrilled that there are so many I haven’t read and dismayed because my book budget is small. I think I’m looking forward to reading Maddy’s stories the most!

  • 06/14/2018 at 10:26 pm

    I’m Nikki, live in the US (actually in Washington!), and definitely over 18. I’m loving the entire core cast of the Wild Hunt series and am anxiously waiting to read the next book!!

  • 06/14/2018 at 9:24 pm

    Hi I’m Melissa and I’m over 18 live in U.S. I haven’t read those series yet (the library doesn’t carry your books here and neither do most stores) but I love the other world series and the indigo court. Mellony is my favorite so far. Favorite summer activity is jamming out to music and bbqs

  • 06/14/2018 at 6:32 pm

    I’m from the US. My favorite character is Maddy, she just seems to be the one I relate to the most. My favorite summer activity is of course reading outside!

  • 06/14/2018 at 6:10 pm

    Hi, I’m Victoria and live in the U.S. I love all your characters but if I had to pick one, I’ll go with Ember. Mostly because I want to know more about her story! My favorite summer activity is reading and organizing!

  • 06/14/2018 at 5:25 pm

    I’m Tabatha and I live in the US. I really enjoy all of your books. It’s very hard to pick a favorite character out of any of them. If I have to pick, then it would have to be Maddy. She proves that even though bad things have happened to her that she can still go on living and find love again.

  • 06/14/2018 at 4:52 pm

    I’m June from the US. If I had to pick a character (and it’s hard!) I’d have to go with Ember. I have a feeling the Wild Hunt series will be one of my favorites.

  • 06/14/2018 at 3:59 pm

    Hello! I am Victoria, currently living in Australia and over eighteen. I love the series Bewitching Bedlam and Sandy in particular. Smart, efficient and with a loving heart. All of your characters are wonderful but she is the one that stands out for me.

  • 06/14/2018 at 3:49 pm

    I am over 18 and live in the US. It’s too hard to pick a favorite but Ember is a charcter that I am excited to learn more about.

  • 06/14/2018 at 3:33 pm

    I am definitely over 18 and live in the good old USA.

    My favorite character from the newer work is Bubba! The mischievous lovey-ness is fantastic! Actual person wise, I would have to pick Angel from the Wild Hunt, because she’s a normal girl for the most part who has been thrown into this world, in a sense, and is thriving. This is something I think we all strive to do in foreign environments.

  • 06/14/2018 at 3:11 pm

    My name is Amber, I am well over 18. I can’t choose a favorite book or character because they are all great for different reasons. Each character is their own unique person. That’s part of the reason you are my favorite author. You bring everything to life, the people, their world, their minds… everything!
    I am not really a summer lover, but I do enjoy swimming.

  • 06/14/2018 at 2:31 pm

    Cheryl I live in the US I am over 18 by alot and of your new series the Fury series is my favorite I have some of the Bedlam books but have not started them yet waiting for a weekend when I can read them all at once I love to binge read so I wait till i have the first 3 or so in a new series then go to town. I do love the Silver Stag but Fury is closest to my all time favorite books (Otherworld)

  • 06/14/2018 at 1:17 pm

    I live in the US & am well over 18 by decades. Really hard to pick a favorite character but I do love Maddie (& Bubba), they’ve both lived long, hard lives but still enjoy life. Maddie is such a strong character. Since I’m older I enjoy staying inside with the a/c running. Used to love swimming.

    I have a feeling Ember may become my new favorite.

  • 06/14/2018 at 1:09 pm

    I’m definitely over 18, and I’m going to cheat. I can’t decide between Fury and Maddy. I love the way Fury has grown and developed her powers over the first 3 books, and I love Maddy because, in spite of all her power, she ends up in trouble all the time! I am doing a lot of reading this summer, in between having my home completely renovated. I’m anxiously awaiting the release of Oak and Thorns.

  • 06/14/2018 at 12:52 pm

    Over 18. In the US and I can’t choose give me more of them all… Though Ember is very intriguing story possiblites .

  • 06/14/2018 at 12:29 pm

    I’m over 18 and in the US. I’ve been swamped with work for far too long (sigh) but I’m totally looking forward to getting into the Wild Hunt. My favorite summer activity is anything not work related. LOL, that’s year-round, actually. My favorite summer activity is sitting on a deck with a cool drink and watching the ocean.

  • 06/14/2018 at 12:26 pm

    I’m in the US (Texas) and I think my favorite character is Maddy. I relate to her attitudes and goals a lot so she’s a really fun character for me to read about. Plus I’d loooove to run a B&B someday! Ember is definitely the runner up here though and I can’t wait to see more from her!

  • 06/14/2018 at 12:06 pm

    Im in US
    Well over 18
    This is tough! I really like Maddy.
    But now with The Wild Hunt I absolutely love Ember.
    I guess honestly I love the one Im with the best at the time! Lol
    This is why I adore your writing. It takes me into their worlds for awhile.
    I was shocked the other day when I realized I’ve been reading your work over 10 years! It feels like yesterday I picked up the first one!
    Blessed summer to you & Samwise

  • 06/14/2018 at 11:52 am

    I live in the US. Fury is my favorite. Something about her just speaks to me. Her fire and her internal struggles. And she is kick-ass!

  • 06/14/2018 at 11:30 am

    Maddy is my favorite. I love her style and her coffee addiction. I also love the fact that she is trying to improve her health but she is real and has set backs when it comes to her work out routine. She is a very relatable character.
    I live in the US and over 18.

  • 06/14/2018 at 11:25 am

    Am over 18 and live in the US. I would have to say that Maddy and Bubba are my favorites. I have a Bubba of my own and I must say you have to be very careful rubbing his tummy also, even if it is for different reasons… lol I am saving Ember’s story until I have the second book and some time to just read as I KNOW I will love her too. Meaning one book will not be enough…

  • 06/14/2018 at 11:16 am

    Tara here.. US. I would have to say Fury as well as for my favorite character. My favorite summertime activities are swimming and staying inside in the air conditioning as much as possible.

  • 06/14/2018 at 11:06 am

    Hi! My name is Colleen. I am over 18 and live in the US! My favorite new character is Ember! Fantastic read! Have also read the other newest books from you! My favorite author! Summer activity that I like to do, sit on my back porch and read

  • 06/14/2018 at 11:04 am

    Over 18 live in the USA
    my favorite character would have to be Fury
    as she’s been through hell and came out stronger for it all. When it gets hard she doesn’t give up she digs in and goes harder..
    Summer for me is a time to travel, hike, swim and Geocach.

  • 06/14/2018 at 11:00 am

    I am over 18 and live in the USA.

    I love Fury I think though Ember and Maddie are close behind her. That whole world you created just grabbed me by the nose and I am eager to see where you go with Fury and the gang as well as the Wild hunt, Bedlam and more.

  • 06/14/2018 at 10:44 am

    I am Carla from the US and way over 18. I have only read the 1st books in all of your new series, so I can not pick a favorite yet! I love them all. My favorite summertime activities are hiking and camping!

  • 06/14/2018 at 10:27 am

    I’m April I live in the US and I am over 18. Maddy is my favorite because I identify with her. I think I’m going to love ember too!

  • 06/14/2018 at 10:10 am

    I’m summer I’m over 18 living in the USA and my favorite character so far is fury as she’s a strong woman that seems to be able to face anything that’s tossed at her and I’m also drawn to her as she’s bound to Hecate just as I worship the same goddess. As for my favorite summer time activity that would have to be swimming and spending time with my daughter

  • 06/14/2018 at 10:09 am

    Im in the US and over 18. So far Maddy is my favorite but i am also loving Ember. Maddys character appeals to me for a lot of reasons. I love that she is fun, wild and also has a serious side. She admits to her faults and doesnt shy away from her past. I just “get” her.

  • 06/14/2018 at 10:07 am

    I’m Adora and I am in the US.
    I am really liking Fury. She just has so many facets to her character. I am only on book 3 (trying to get reading time with a 3 year old sucks!), but loving it!

  • 06/14/2018 at 10:04 am

    I love Bubba from Bewitching Bedlam. My favorite summer activity is gardening and harvesting what Gaia gives us.

  • 06/14/2018 at 10:02 am

    I am in the U.S. and of age. Hands down, I love Bubba. I am enjoying the mini about his beginning. Loving all of your series old and new. Keep writing and please take care of yourself. Bright blessings.

  • 06/14/2018 at 9:41 am

    I’m April and I live in the US and I’m over 18. I would say Fury is my favorite character, she is strong, independent but has good and close friends.

  • 06/14/2018 at 9:10 am

    I am Kris and I live in the U.S. I love Bubba from Bewitching Bedlam. He is a mix of two of my favorite things: cats and djinns or genies. I love magic and I can’t help but feel that a cat’s purr has magic all its own. So Bubba is the purrfect combination. Favorite summertime activities include coloring and watching my daughter and her Poppy play with the water hose.

  • 06/14/2018 at 9:04 am

    I am Kris and I live in the U.S. I love Bubba from Bewitching Bedlam. He is a mix of two of my favorite things: cats and djinns or genies. I love magic and I can’t help but feel that a cat’s purr has magic all its own. So Bubba is the purrfect combination. Favorite summertime activities include coloring and watching my daughter and her Poppy play with the water hose.

  • 06/14/2018 at 8:46 am

    I’m Heather and I’m in the US!
    This is an unfair question. It’s not easy to choose a favorite character, but since you’re forcing me, I have to say Fury is my favorite Indie character. I’m enjoying following her story and her journey in discovering herself.

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