Most joyous Litha! May the Oak King reign supreme through this day As the Wheel Turns to the Waning Year.
Blessed Litha
Most Joyous Litha May the Oak King reign supreme through this day as the Wheel turns to the Waning Year. Bright Blessings from me and my team.
Vlog: June 2022’s Faerie Moon & Litha Update
Blessed Litha
Most joyous Litha May the Oak King reign supreme through this day as the Wheel turns to the Waning Year. From Yasmine and Her Team
Brain Candy Friday
We’re into summer, and the weather here has turned to sun and warmer days. I’m not fond of heat, but it’s pretty to see and it makes me want to go out and sit by the lake or find a
Happy Litha!
Blessed Litha! Most joyous Litha May the Oak King reign supreme through this day As the Wheel turns to the Waning Year ~Yasmine and Her Team
Litha: A Summer Siren Bathing Spell
Summer Solstice–or Litha, as we call it in the Craft–is coming. When I think of summer, I think of the beach. And I think of water and frogs and the ocean, and cleansing rituals. So here’s a summer-siren’s cleansing ritual
Blessed Litha!
Most Joyous Litha May the Oak King reign supreme through this day As the Wheel turns to the Waning Year! From Yasmine & her Team
The Nature of Litha
Litha — the summer solstice — falls on June 21st this year. The exact time is at 8:54 AM, PDT. The summer solstice means different things to different pagans, and all of these traditions can be right. In my tradition,
The Nature of Litha
Litha is the season of expansion, when the crops burgeon forth. We forget winter’s cares and spend our days basking under the brilliant light. The Summer Solstice brings us the longest day of the year–the zenith of the Sun King,