Today’s excerpt comes from Iron Bones.

Iron Bones

Series Page link: The Wild Hunt

Book Page for Buy links: Iron Bones


I glanced at the escrow agent. “Good to go?”

She nodded. “It’s not typical form to give you the keys on signing, but I foresee no problem, and that’s the owner’s choice. Enjoy your new home!” She swept out of the room, leaving the three of us sitting there.

I stared at Angel. “We did it. We have a house.”

Well, actually, I had a house. I had bought it, but Angel would pay me rent. Right now, the condo was far too small for the two of us. The house was twice the size, with a massive lot, and we had been spending a lot of time mulling over colors and options for the garden. The house itself didn’t need many renovations, but the paint job…well…it might not be the ugly Bellevue beige that was so popular around here, but neither did I want every room to be white. And the yard and fence needed major work.

“We have a month, but I’d like to get started right away. Why don’t we take over supplies tonight so we can start painting tomorrow after work?” I was excited. I wanted in by mid-month because I really didn’t like waiting till the last minute. Plus, we had already packed most of our things and the condo was in total chaos.

“Sounds good,” Angel said, grinning. “I can feel the excitement bouncing off you like a frog on steroids.” Her smile lit up her face. Angel was one of the few people I knew who could shift the energy of the room without saying a word. She was human, an empath, and she had been my best friend since grade school when she shoved me into a mud puddle. I had dragged her down with me, and after a brief tussle, we had become BFFs. Best friends forever.

Excerpt: Iron Bones
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One thought on “Excerpt: Iron Bones

  • 08/09/2018 at 1:22 pm

    Midway thru the book, and awesome as always. Sure lose sleep when you release a new book!

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