Today’s excerpt comes from Casting Curses.

Series Page link: Bewitching Bedlam

Book Page for Buy links: Casting Curses


“Okay, the wall to the attic stops here.” He pointed a flashlight midway into the hole. “But there seems to be another room beyond the attic. That’s not just empty space. Do you have two attics?”

I squinted, following the beam of the flashlight. I could see what he was talking about. There was the attic wall, all right, and beyond it, another open space and what looked like a finished wall on the other side.

“What the hell? No, we don’t have a two room attic. At least not that I know of.” I leaned forward, trying to make out anything I could, but Max grabbed my shoulder.

“You’re getting close to a thin patch of the roof that was damaged by the branch. You don’t want to go tumbling in through the shingles.”

“No, but what the hell is that space? There’s no door in the attic that I can remember. I’m going down to check.” I suddenly froze, unsure of how to get down without stumbling head first off edge. When I was in an ecstatic state, I could sometimes levitate, but it wasn’t anything I could control, nor did I want to chance losing my concentration halfway down. “Um, Max…I don’t do well looking over the edge of anything high up. How do I get down?”

He frowned. “I suppose you could try crawling, though it’s not safe. Or we could lower you into the attic crawlspace, but that might further damage the roof.”

“How much worse could it get? There’s a hole in the damned thing already.” I stared at the opening. “How do we do this?”

Excerpt: Casting Curses

2 thoughts on “Excerpt: Casting Curses

  • 10/04/2018 at 1:45 pm

    Great story would of liked more on Brother but I’m greedy. Waiting for the next story with baited breath.
    Not holding my breath nope nope!

  • 10/04/2018 at 9:22 am

    Such a great book!

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