Today’s excerpt comes from The Longest Night.
Series Page link: The Starwood Series
Book Page for Buy links: The Longest Night
Located high on the west side of Snoqualmie Pass, the town was usually overlooked by tourists. It had sprung up as someone’s idea of an artists’ community. When I finalized my divorce, leaving John to his twenty-two-year-old girlfriend, I decided to cut all ties to Seattle, and Starwood seemed the perfect place to retreat to.
I could make a fresh start in a quiet little town. Starwood would give me the chance to figure out just who I was, now that I was no longer Mrs. Jonathon Travers. So I changed back to my maiden name—Johansson—sold the house, and after dividing the assets up with John, I struck out from the city. Now I wasn’t so sure this had been my brightest idea.
My phone rang, a welcome distraction from the internal war that was waging in my thoughts. I was good at arguing, especially with myself.
I stared at the corded phone, grinning as I picked up the receiver. A landline, after all these years. But cell service wasn’t always reliable up in the mountains. As I answered, it occurred to me that I might have backtracked in some ways. Whether that was a good thing remained to be seen.
“Hello?” I glanced at the caller ID. Betty. Of course, it would be her. I only knew a handful of people in town, and only a couple of them well enough for them to be calling me, unless it was a charity drive.
“I haven’t heard from you in a couple days. You working on a project?” Betty’s voice blared through the receiver.
I really enjoyed this one!
You utterly amaze me how you can go in different directions in your writing. And how frequent you release new material.
I honestly have always been super prolific, but I couldn’t release more in trad. They highly push against it–stating readers will get ‘tired’ of too much content from one author. Um, nope. This was harder to write than my UF/PNR, but I did enjoy it and might take another trip back to Starwood sometime. 😉