Harvest moon surrounded by autumn leaves

Friday’s Full Moon is known, in my tradition, as The Harvest Moon.

September: Harvest Moon

During September, we celebrate the second harvest–Mabon, and we rejoice in all we have gathered to us this year, through our hard work and perseverance. So this month, our Esbat will focus on celebration and sharing.

Either gather with friends, or perform this ritual alone. Everyone bring food for the local food bank and place the offerings in the center of the Circle. Make your altar merry with gourds, apples, bottles of cider and grape juice, or port and sherry. Cast a circle and invoke one of the Harvest Goddesses.

Join hands. Chant the following, raising energy with a focus on the donated food attracting more donations from others:

Lady of the Silver Moon, Lord of the Golden Sun,
Join our rites this Harvest Night, in laughter let your will be done.
Bless this food we’ve gathered here, for those in want and need.
As we walk the ancient paths, let our hearts reflect our deeds.

After you’ve blessed the food, drink a toast to the season, the Gods, and each other. Share a potluck dinner and then distribute the donations to the charities of your choice.

Affirmation for the Harvest Moon: I give thanks for and enjoy the bounty that life offers.

Honoring the Harvest Moon
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One thought on “Honoring the Harvest Moon

  • 09/11/2019 at 9:40 pm

    Thank you for continuing to educate readers. It gives a greater understanding of various beliefs.

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