Today’s excerpt comes from A SACRED MAGIC.

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A Sacred Magic coverExcerpt:

“Raven? Your Ante-Fae friend? That should be interesting,” Morgana said, a droll tone to her voice. “I’d like to be a fly on the wall when you show up with her in tow. You’re determined to give them the finger, aren’t you?”

I coughed. “I wouldn’t put it that way, but…”

“But nothing,” Talia said with a grin. “You’ll do whatever you can to piss off Saílle and Névé, and you know it.”

I determined that it was an excellent time to take a big bite of cheesecake so I couldn’t answer. Morgana waited a moment, then cleared her throat.

“Well, I want you out there in the next few days. No more procrastinating. Take Raven if you like, but just get your ass in gear and do as I ask.” She smiled as she spoke, but her eyes were glittering and cold, and I knew she meant it.

“Yes, my Lady, I will.” I spoke softly, meeting her gaze with acquiescence. There came a time in every battle—whether it be of will, wit, or body—to lay down the flag and give in. And this was that moment.

Morgana laughed, holding out her coffee cup. “Now that we’ve got that taken care of, how about another cup of coffee? And tell me what the agency’s been up to lately.”

As Herne poured her more coffee, Viktor and Yutani began telling her about the goblins out at the Carlsford Café and Ranch. I moved to the window overlooking the alley in back of our building. Rain was sleeting down and the day looked dreary and worn. I glanced up to find Talia beside me.

“You know, sometimes wearing the yoke of the gods can be difficult,” I whispered, keeping my voice low.

She nodded. “I imagine. But I also think that it must feel nice, to have someone watching over you. I’ve never had that.” Talia was a harpy who had lost her powers. When she met Herne, long, long ago, he had taken pity on her and brought her before Morgana, who had offered her a permanent glamour so that she could fit into society better. Talia had chosen the guise of a woman in her mid-sixties, gray hair but fit and strong, and she had gone to work for Herne after that. They had been friends forever, it seemed.

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2 thoughts on “Excerpt: A SACRED MAGIC

  • 10/17/2019 at 7:49 pm

    Thank you for the teaser. Can’t wait for it to come out in box form.

    • 10/19/2019 at 9:34 am

      If you mean print form (it’s always a book), it’s already out. We forgot to add the print link to the excerpt, but it’s there now. 😉

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