So, I’m on deadline with the new book–The Eternal Return. In case you don’t know what a writer on deadline is like, well, there’s this:

Image is a cute bear who looks very grumpy. Text says: Hey! Don't Poke Da Bear!
And my moods are varying from this:

To this:

Picture: An excited looking cat playing with a ribbon. Caption: You got me ribbons! OMG! OMG!
And right now, if I let myself, I’d be scarfing down all the gluten free cookies I could eat. But I’m maintaining a modicum of control, thank gods, and mostly just relying on Netflix and reruns of Downton Abby to get me through on my breaks from writing.
I wouldn’t BE on deadline if I hadn’t tried to tuck writing an extra book in between two books. (Demon’s Delight, which I wanted to bring out this month but which is now coming out in February). I managed to get about 2/3 of it written, then realized I wasn’t going to have enough time to write The Eternal Return on schedule, so had to stop and move over to TER.
The good news is I’m almost done with TER, and then I start the third Whisper Hollow book. It will be wonderful, returning to that world, which I haven’t been able to visit since 2015, because the stories still haunt me, and the characters still call.
Anyway, that’s enough for today. OH, I’m also decorating early. (If you are one of those peeps who gets irate when people do that, get over it. I’m not decorating YOUR house, early, and I need the sparkles.). 😉
Now, back to the words, because I really need to get this book done by tomorrow. And I’ll do it!
Deadlines, Deadlines
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One thought on “Deadlines, Deadlines

  • 11/15/2019 at 11:07 am

    Decorations are okay, really they are even as much as I joke about them. I love the pics you post after you decorate for the holidays. I get lazy when it comes to Christmas decorations, myself. I just don’t want to take my Samhain decorations down yet. I’ve been told the last few years my decoration themes are merging but I think that’s because I have a ton of Nightmare before Christmas stuff. 😉

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