I got to thinking about the Chintz ‘n China Series the other day, and realized that two of the books (Ghost of a Chance and Holiday Spirits) take place during the holiday season. While I’m not inclined to revisit the series to write more in it, I am very proud of what these books did for me–they got me into trad publishing at a time when self-publishing was barely a blip on the map. And I did have fun with Emerald and the gang when I was writing them.

Also: All books are available from all vendors again!

What do you like about the Chintz ‘n China series? (And please, don’t ask me to write more–maybe I’ll do a novella here or there as time goes on, but I’m not planning on reopening the series on a serious level).

The Chintz ‘n China Series
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10 thoughts on “The Chintz ‘n China Series

  • 11/27/2020 at 2:22 pm

    I loved these books. They introduced me to your writings and will always hold a special place due to that. I would love to read a novella but I really want to read your new series more!

  • 11/27/2020 at 12:18 am

    When I picked up Ghost of a Chance oh so long ago and it interduces me to one of the authors I’ve come to love and wait breathlessly for new release.(I have all of Ms. Galenorn’s series in book or e format)Emerald’s indomitable spirit, nothing stopes her not broken windows or evil Christmas monsters. I also love that she got the young, hot man, wish I could do the same. I look forward to the new series with a woman close to my age. Not enough literature about mature women out there now.

  • 11/25/2020 at 10:40 pm

    This series will always hold a special place in my heart, it was the first that introduced me to your writing. I was completely blown away, I couldn’t hardly contain my excitement and wanted to learn more about you and read more of your work. Unfortunately I have not completed the series, I think that I will do that over the next month or two!

  • 11/25/2020 at 6:05 pm

    Chintz N China is special to me due to it being the first series that introduced my mom and I to a wonderful author. We enjoyed the otherworld series through about half way , due to changes in our lives, but hoped to finish the finish the series. I was introducing mom to the Bewitching Bedlam series by reading to her in the hospital, before she took a turn for the worse. This was back in December 2017, mom passed in January 2018. Emerald, Camille, Delilah, Iris, Menolly, Maddy, Bubba & Sandy will always have a special place in my (& my mother’s) hearts, (as will their creatrix).

  • 11/25/2020 at 2:14 pm

    I bought this series way back (when?) and got all six. I bought them for my Kindle. Have not gotten around to re-read them yet, but I remembered I liked them enough to re-get them.

  • 11/25/2020 at 1:57 pm

    Watching Miranda navigate adolescence, and Kip move through his childhood…with a self-aware mother. Wow. That was something to watch. Everyone grew and changed. I loved it!

  • 11/25/2020 at 12:57 pm

    I loved the series I thought it was great
    The characters are great you make me feel into the books and the family thank you
    for that
    Too bad you won’t expand anymore
    Have a great thanksgiving

  • 11/25/2020 at 10:46 am

    This series will always have a special place in my heart because it helped me remember why I chose the educational path I did.
    In grad school we had a project in which we had to decide a treatment plan for a fictional family, and as I was reading Chintz n China at the time, I used the O’Briens. I don’t think I ever enjoyed schoolwork so much as I did that assignment.
    The prof was very impressed and said I was “setting the standard” for the project. =)

    • 11/25/2020 at 12:33 pm

      Oh wow, thank you for telling me that! That makes me happy to hear! And congrats on doing such a great job!

  • 11/25/2020 at 8:18 am

    I loved that Emerald didn’t trash her ex husband. It can screw with a kids mind.
    (dads can do the trash talk too)
    ❤❤ Murray is the best!!

    Kudos on older woman getting younger man.

    Looking forward to Starlight Web.

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