Today we’re celebrating gingerbread houses! I love looking at them–though I have to admit, I’ve never made one. I miss eating gingerbread (I’m severely allergic to ginger), which I used to love. But I have a couple gingerbread house ornaments on my tree! If you’d like to win a gingerbread house ornament for your tree, then you can enter here to win one.
You must be:
- A US resident
- 18 or over to win
- Tell me: have you ever made a gingerbread house? If not, what do you like best about gingerbread?
- Enter by 9 PM Pacific December 19, 2020
Blogmas: Gingerbread House Day (Giveaway)
Over 18 and USA resident.
I make gingerbread houses on Halloween. I used to make them for Christmas too but haven’t in a couple years. The holiday season gets busy and it feels like there are more demands. I love making them and decorating them! It is always fun to watch the bake offs on TV to see how creative people get with gingerbread house’s!
Oops! I meant to type spicy and really tasty.
I’m over 18 and live in the US. My family has a tradition of making gingerbread bread houses every year, usually on Thanksgiving Day in the evening after the feast. We usually use graham crackers instead so they’re technically graham cracker houses. I really like the Spivey taste that ginger cookies have. I got some tea tasty ones from Costco this year.
I have never made a gingerbread house. I love the warm and spicy flavor of Gingerbread.
I am over 18 and in the USA
Yes, we made gingerbread house when my kids were younger. It was a lot of fun! I miss doing that.
I am in the USA and over 18
I had to get back into gingerbread houses when my granddaughter was old enough to want to make one.
It was wonderful memories with my 2 adult children and it has been awesome with my little one.
Since we are a GF house we use vinyl gloves ( allergic to latex also).
Wishing you all a blessed season
Over 18 and in the USA. We made gingerbread houses a number of years ago, it was a one time thing.
It has been many years since I helped make a Gingerbread house but I enjoyed doing it. I am over 18 and live in NH USA. Thanks.
I’m over 18 and live in the US
I love gingerbread houses I haven’t made any in the last couple of years because of my health, but I remember making them when I was younger and I love decorating them with gum drops, twizzlers, and peppermint bark, with icing and tree cakes for the yard.
Live in the US and over 18.
I’ve never made a gingerbread house, although I think they look like fun.
I love the spicy flavor of gingerbread. It’s just about the only spicy thing I like.
I haven’t made a gingerbread house myself, but have helped scouts make theirs. I’d love a gingerbread house ornament.
Live in US- Over 18
I have actually never made a gingerbread house. Have thought about it- just never actually done it.
Now, I do like gingerbread- especially the German gingerbread called Lebkuchen. I like the gingery taste of gingerbread, and for the Lebkuchen, I like the texture, and believe it or not, the wafer that the authentic lebkuchen is made on. Weird- but I like how it tastes and dissolves on the tongue. LOL
I am in the US and over 18. I used to make gingerbread houses with my kiddos every year, until I was diagnosed with celiac disease. After that, they did it by themselves as it was too risky for me to participate. But they do bring me joy.
I’m over 18 and in the US.
I have made gingerbread houses before, but it was not my forte! We always struggled to get the structure solid before decorating! My favorite part is eating the gingerbread. I love the warm spicy flavor; soft gingerbread cookies are one of my favorite things!
Over 18 and live in the US, we make one every year, the kids have fun and I like eating the decorations! We even made one on Halloween that looked like a spooky haunted house!
Made gingerbread houses with my boys when they w were young but man they were janky. LOL. At least we got some fun great memories. Happy holidays