The Wreaths Across America organization honors fallen warriors with memorial wreaths each year during the holiday season. According to their website:

We understand we have Veterans Day in the fall and Memorial Day in the spring, but our service members sacrifice their time and safety every single day of the year to preserve our freedoms.

In many homes, there is an empty seat for one who is serving or one who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. There is no better time to express our appreciation than during the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. We hope you will join us at any of our more than 2,100 participating locations to show our veterans and their families that we will not forget. We will never forget.

I thought it would be a lovely gesture to include this in my Holiday Blogmas Celebration.

Blogmas: Wreaths for Fallen Warriors
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One thought on “Blogmas: Wreaths for Fallen Warriors

  • 12/22/2020 at 5:36 pm

    I swear I read somewhere that this was attempted to be cancelled and there was such backlash from the supporters that it is going ahead. Either way I love this. I have a lot of veterans in my family. It’s such a great cause to support

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