snowy outside, notebook and coffee inside

So, I’m attempting to do all the things. We’re now into the new year and I’ve shifted a number of things and trying to keep track of them. They’ve been good changes, good shifts, but they require remembering new habits. Some of the changes we’ve made:

In my Moon Stalkers FB Group, we’re now moderating posts before they go up. This will A) insure we see them all and B) allow us to prevent posts that go against the rules before they actually hit the wall. And we’ve already had a couple we’ve had to deny.

I’ve joined the Seasoned Magic Paranormal Women’s Fiction Club on Facebook–a group of authors writing who write paranormal women’s fiction. So I’m getting acclimated there, too.

I’ve delegated more work to my assistants and am now organizing my day more towards the writing, editing, and blogging side. I still have tons of admin to do, but some of the more headachy things have been dropped in Andria, Jenn, and Sam’s laps. As the business expands, so does the side work.

So yeah, day to day stuff. Andria came in my office today and handed me a cat collar and said, “Somebody’s running around nekkid” and sure enough, Mr. Apple was showing his stuff. Well, showing his neck. His stuff shows all the time, especially when he spreads out on his back!

I guess that’s all for now. Really exciting, huh? *grins* Well, I’m a writer, what do you expect? I live in a pandemic world of words. 😉

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Swinging into Gear
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2 thoughts on “Swinging into Gear

  • 02/06/2021 at 9:32 am

    Thanks for the update on everything going on!
    Kittehs will be kittehs… My Luna always pulled off her collar and hid it under the bed in the middle until I gave up!
    Sounds as if you’ve got a lot going on… Thank the Goddess for Sam, Jenn, and Andria!
    Many thanks for all you do, all the time!
    Brightest Blessings!

  • 02/05/2021 at 12:07 pm

    Just wanted to say, “Thank You!”
    You’re one of my favorite authors, and I truly enjoy hearing how you’re doing!
    If you’re ever in need of another Admin, let me know! I live in Puyallup, and would gladly pitch in.
    I have three beautiful kitties myself (Alice, Bella, and Finn)….and totally get them showing their “stuff”, as Finn tends to love to sleep on his back, hahaha.
    Have a wonderful weekend!!

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