So yes, I got Souljacker back from Diversion! I will be re-releasing it in November and look at the stunning cover! I will also be writing a couple more books in the series next year so YAY again! You can PREORDER NOW on most venues now, (Kobo link will be up soon). As to whether I will be making changes in the book? Probably a few because I’m now focused on expanding the series, where before, I was so angry about all the runaround I got from one publisher (who asked me if I could change it into contemporary erotica with no paranormal aspects) and from the publisher who put this out (can you say, “one FUBAR after another and I haven’t seen hardly any money from them in all the years it’s been out, and I KNOW it’s sold). But now, I have it back and can promote it the way it should be.
From Publishers Weekly:
“Ostensibly the story centers on the search for the killer, but it goes much deeper, laying the foundation for what promises to be an insightful exploration of Lily’s process of personal change while giving readers a peek at a political chess game. The characters leap to life, carrying readers along on a journey through a world much like this one but with a dangerous allure.” –Publishers Weekly, Starred Review
One of Publishers Weekly’s “Top 100 Books of 2017”
Are there any plans for more books
The new cover is gorgeous!
So happy that you got the rights back to Souljacker!
Love Lily and this book, and can’t wait to see what follows…may have to read it again because it’s just that awesome!
Brightest Blessings!
I never got this the first time it was out. If it goes print-on-demand, I can check it out!
I put all my full length novels into POD format, so yes, you’ll be able to get it! And thank you for waiting for my version. I really appreciate it!
So very happy you got Lily back!!
The cover is gorgeous & hot.
Thank you for your great stories.
Be well.
I bought Souljacker but never read it because I didn’t want to get invested in a character I would only briefly know. I’m so excited that it will be continued and will definitely get the rereleased version so I don’t miss anything! …and that new cover!! Love it!
The cover is gorgeous. I am so glad you got it back. I loved it the first time and can’t wait to read it again.