About seven or eight years ago I saw this video:
I fell in love with the instrument. I spent about a year trying to find out what kind of instrument it was and was really wanting to buy one. I finally found out it’s a form of handpan. And they’re expensive, because each one is handmade, and there are about 100 people in the world who make them.
So I waited, and found a maker in the US, and watched for when he’d have one for sale to see if I had the money at that point, and finally…I was able to order one. And it was lovely, but a little big and harder for me to play with my tendonitis, so I didn’t feel like I was making much progress with it.
Then, this year, he made a new line of them, smaller and lighter–and I just had the feeling it would be easier on my hands. So I ordered a new one. And sold my old one to one of my friends who fell in love with it too. My new handpan came and I can play it so much easier, and I love, love, love it. So I ordered another in a different scale. Now, I’m using them to try and help my MCAS–sound therapy can help a lot of things, and it also just relaxes me and makes me happy to sit and play, and the less stress, the fewer the reactions.
I also knew that one of my characters–Raven in the Wild Hunt–would be playing the handpan in a magickal way. And so she does, and I love writing about her playing it.
There’s no real formal training, though there are tutorials on YouTube, but I love that I can play by ‘feel’ and make music that actually sounds pretty and magickal and that pulls me in. It’s a meditative experience, and I can feel the energy rising when I play. I have visions of playing out in the forest on some cool summer evening, or by the edge of the water.
Here are the two scales/types I have now, and I highly recommend Colin’s handpans if you want one made by someone who truly loves the instrument and who has devoted his life to it.
Ooh! These are amazing! I’m glad you found an instrument to speak to your soul.
During the pandemic, on a dare from my son, I took up the harp. I also acquired a crystal singing bowl which I use for meditation.
He took up the koto (cool, ancient, Japanese plucked stringed instrument) – he already plays piano. My beloved picked up the guitar after years and years away.
Music sure has made a difference in our lives, and helped keep us somewhat grounded, during this pandemic.
So happy you found something to help you relax.
Be well.