woman staring at her laptop saying OMG

Yes, it’s been an OMG month. One thing after another, finally culminating in 14 hours without power thanks to the bomb cyclone that grazed the area. Currently, I have the Nutcracker playing and I’m going to decorate my office this afternoon for Yule because seriously, I NEED SPARKLIES and not just orange ones. And those who don’t like decorating early can stay out of my house. *grins* Not their circus, not their monkeys.

Some of what went down this month I can’t really talk about because it involves other people in my life (not my immediate family), but there have been serious medical dramas going on, then my assistant and her family ended up being displaced by a fire in the apartment above them and they have had to find a new home and scramble to sort out what’s left from the smoke and water damage, and as a result, because I need her to handle the contests, etc., those all went on hold and my Blogtober became a bombtober. Due to the disruptions and worry, I got behind and then this past weekend we got hit by the edge of that big bomb cyclone and boom–power was out for fourteen hours. Luckily though it was chilly, it wasn’t icy cold.

So yeah, all those combined with the general stresses of chronic illness has left this October my least favorite October in years. (Thank you Mercury retrograde and all the accompanying other astrological dumpster fires there was going on, well…I’m looking forward to November.

On the good side of things, HARVEST WEB released and people are seeming to love it. And I’m having fun planning out next year’s writing schedule. Sam and I are still madly in love. Caly, Apple, and Brighid are settling in to the new normal without Morgan–though we’ll be looking for a new kitty near my birthday, I think. And I found a new nail artist who is very cautious and good about Covid protocol, so I can start having my nails done again–a joy that I’ve missed so much.

I guess that’s it until next time. Thanks for listening to me rant! I try not to often but…some months, you just have to let it out.

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What a Month
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6 thoughts on “What a Month

  • 10/29/2021 at 7:27 pm

    Sorry to hear about all the October problems and sure hope November is a better time for you and yours. Thank you for sharing with us. I think I would love some sparkles too. October has been a relative good month for us, but the past two years, wow. I think sparkles are just the ticket! I think I’ll follow your lead and begin decorating for Yule! Keeping you in my heart and in my thoughts … blessings, Tamalita

  • 10/28/2021 at 7:00 pm

    So sorry to hear about all the stress you’re experiencing. I hope that November brings brighter days. I have Halloween-themed decorations but will take them down on the 31st and begin putting up November harvest themed ones. I may be a retired first grade teacher but I still love to decorate for the neighborhood children.

    Won’t have trick-or-treat again this year. I’m a breast cancer survivor and I’m concerned that the younger children haven’t had any form of immunity yet. I miss this but hope next year will be better.

    Here’s to more sparkles.

  • 10/28/2021 at 2:23 pm

    I like December sparklies. I put up my colored light arch the first of December through Jan 1. I no longer put colored lights in the house for two reasons. First is 7 cats….who would love to get to them AND their wires. Second I cannot climb ladders to put them up where said cats cannot get them. I don’t like lights of all one color in my house, must be multicolored! I do enjoy other people’s sparklies. Try to enjoy the next two months a bit. Although your calamities are pretty bad!

  • 10/28/2021 at 12:28 pm

    I feel it’s been a nightmare month for a lot of folks.
    I hope it mellows out for everyone.
    Yes Harvest Web was amazing!!
    I would love to know where you found your nail tech.
    Love & light

    • 10/28/2021 at 2:32 pm

      At Salon Zazazu, her name is Amber. She’s great.

  • 10/28/2021 at 11:43 am

    Sending lots of sparkles your way!


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