Hey peeps! How are you doing today?

Well, the kittens have settled in. Ellie (Elea) is a little love—she’s quickly wormed her way into our hearts as well as our arms. She loves to be cuddled and snuggled. And boy does she have a sandpaper tongue! Kirsi is more independent although she also loves to be petted. They both adore their “big” brother Apple and they would love to be friends with Brighid, who has stopped hissing at them—a big win.

I use “big” in quotation marks for Apple because…these babies are going to be BIG girls. They both weigh MORE than Apple or Brighid. I think they may have some Maine Coon or Ragdoll in their genetics because they’re massive and have traits that really do reflect the Ragdoll breed—and the Maine Coon. I’m thinking of getting their DNA tested to find out.

So today I have a question for you. While I know you’re all signed up for my newsletter because you love urban fantasy and all things paranormal, I am wondering what your favorite part of the genre is?

My books have a number of known tropes (a common theme in a particular genre), but I also tend to make my own, which gives my work the personalized flair that it has. I love the “Scooby Gang trope” (the ensemble cast), and the “Underdog-takes-on-the world” theme. I also work with the Big Bads—the overwhelming story arc for a number of my series.

And then there’s the Whirlwind romance—and I tell you, I love that one so much because I’ve lived it. Sam and I knew each other a week when we moved in together and we’re headed toward our 29th anniversary! I work with the “All Myths are True” and the “Kitchen Sink” tropes—you’ll find legends from all corners of the world in my books, and elves mingling with vampires mingling with goblins, etc..

So what are some of your favorite ‘tropes’ that you see in my books? What tropes do I write that you enjoy most? I’d love to know!


I Have A Question For You!
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23 thoughts on “I Have A Question For You!

  • 03/27/2022 at 7:00 pm

    The whole she-bang! of the characters, action, big bad, and the romance that capture my attention to your books. The Otherworld Books is my all time favorite. Meeting and being on the wild ride with the D’Artigo sisters with their lovers, friends, and foes have been amazing.

  • 03/15/2022 at 3:38 pm

    I definitely love the chosen family/scooby gang or found family trope. Your books definitely transport me into another world which I love

  • 03/15/2022 at 1:28 pm

    I love the myths and the strong female characters. Read it all.

  • 03/15/2022 at 9:55 am

    For me personally I like them all for different reasons. So it’s hard for me to choose one over the other.

  • 03/14/2022 at 10:24 am

    I love the chosen family/Scooby Gang trope. Your women are all kick ass and I love that as well. I like a big bad with side quests thrown in. I love all your books, and I tend to like the ones you have expressed more enjoyment in writing better. You can tell when you really get engrossed in the story.

  • 03/14/2022 at 3:16 am

    I am one of your readers who pre order as soon as a new book is posted. I started with Otherworld and have read everything you have published that is available. I love the Scooby Gang and the growth of characters. My favorites are Fury, The Wild Hunt, Otherworld, it is really hard to chose a favorite-but my least favorite is Bath and Bodywork series. I love the Mythical aspects and touching on multiple mythical pantheons(I guess that makes me a fan of the “kitchen sink”. I really enjoy paranormal fantasy, I have to admit I like the romance aspect as a portion of the story but not the main theme. I love how your characters grow with their experiences. Thank you for all you have written, love Poison Forest, already read it twice.

  • 03/13/2022 at 7:43 pm

    I love the romance and the play with myths. The worlds have many layer and incorporate sound myths and legends. That is what captured my attention with your books.

  • 03/13/2022 at 1:55 pm

    I first met you through the Chintz and China series and then followed it with the Bath and Bodywork series. I have read all your books, but must say these are my favorites, and I would call them the Scooby doo Trope.

  • 03/13/2022 at 8:34 am

    I’ve enjoyed everything so far! I love the road you travel wherever it goes.
    Chintz n’ China was my first introduction to your writing and I really loved it.
    I enjoyed the Wild Hunt and Moonshadow Bay immensely.
    And, I’ve got “The Poisoned Forest” waiting for me.
    So, I guess I’d say I like it ALL!

  • 03/13/2022 at 6:19 am

    I like all Myths & legends are true.
    Scooby Gang is great.
    I love how they create a family of choice.
    That not fitting in with birth family and society is okay .
    The romance rocks!
    That we can grow into better self.


  • 03/13/2022 at 12:56 am

    Underdog-takes-on-the world Kitchen Sink and Myths are True and Big Bad are my top favorites. Really I luv everything you write. I would luv to see more of Whisper Hollow. Thanks for all the enjoyment you provide.

  • 03/12/2022 at 8:14 pm

    The first series that I read was Bewitching Bedlam which included Bubba. From there I went to Fury Unbound and The Wild Hunt. So I guess I could say The Scooby Gang, Whirlwind Romance but also the Kitchen Sink. I’ve since gone on to your other series. Each series bring on new challenges so I’m never disappointed.

  • 03/12/2022 at 4:31 pm

    “Underdog takes on the world,” “All myths are true,” and the “Big bads” are my faves. Slow burn romances are some that catch my eye, but the whirlwinds are good too. Generally, I love all your books… the characters are many, varied, and invariably fleshed out people that one could identify with. None of them seem to be superior beings, they all have their flaws and insecurities, even if only in small doses. Thank you for your continuing creativity and drive to share your worlds with the rest of us… long may your pen/computer/writing device WAVE!

  • 03/12/2022 at 2:55 pm

    Nothing beats Whirlwind Romance unless it is mixed with All Myths are True or Kitchen Sinks. Such a hard question since I still watch Scooby Doo at age 64. Keep doing it all.

  • 03/12/2022 at 12:58 pm

    I have enjoyed the ensemble trope and the loner (e.g. Storm) who slowly integrates into a group.

  • 03/12/2022 at 12:34 pm

    My favorite trope is…….You write it, I will read it! as long as it is not horror. I live alone, do not read real horror. Not yours: but they put C.Q Yarbro’s St. Germain series in Horror because he is a vampire, but it is really historical fiction with a vampire. That is Not Horror. Most of Stephen King’s is HORROR. I like funny, serious, women fighters or nice men fighters (mostly nice). You have mentioned other authors whom I have liked. So, in other words, Most of every trope–except horror, or hard bondage of any sex.

  • 03/12/2022 at 12:32 pm

    You write a wide range of books, and that suits whatever I feel like reading at the time – but if I had to pick one – kitchen sink

  • 03/12/2022 at 12:01 pm

    I love the strong but feminine woman trope. The characters wear corsets and heels and makeup and still kick some ass.

  • 03/12/2022 at 9:47 am

    There really isn’t one type of trope that I like. Every time i pick up one of your books I find a new adventure to enjoy. Because you have a wide variety of storylines, i have found myself enlarging my scope of books. I have broaden my authors and their different types of stories because of you. You have opened up my horizons on what i liked to read to what i read now.
    Keep up with the many types of stories, characters and locations because you encoruage people to move outside of their small comfort zones.
    You have an amazing imagination and have brought me many years of pleasure .

  • 03/12/2022 at 9:28 am

    It’s not really a “trope” per se, but the found family/family of choice idea is probably my most favorite aspect of your books. I say this because that’s how my own life works. Despite having a large number of relatives, I don’t feel super close to a lot of them. Rather, the friends who have been with me through my lowest lows and highest highs mean the world to me.
    Beyond that, the achieving underdog always puts a smile on my face, especially when that underdog develops an ego and gets that ego balloon popped by the Scooby Gang/family of choice.

  • 03/12/2022 at 9:26 am

    I enjoy the Kitchen Sink & the Big Bads arc. There is always the Hope brought in at the end, as well

  • 03/12/2022 at 9:18 am

    I love the second chance romance y ou gave Trillan and Camille was my catnip. I do enjoy the Scooby Gang trope or the First Love/Forever Love trope kind as well.


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