Recently one of my readers asked me if I use word sprints, and if that helps me finish my books. The truth is, I use sprints all the time–not just to finish a book. I find the Pomodoro technique is best to help me keep on an even pace throughout the book.

The Pomodoro Technique was created in the late 1980s by Francesco Cirillo. Basically, it divides your time into blocks. One of the most productive ratios for a lot of people is: 25 minutes working, 5 minute break. So I personally tend to prefer 30 minutes on/7 minutes off, but I’m flexible. You can download timers for your computer, or use the timer on your phone, or buy a physical timer. Set it for 25 minutes and get to work. Stop only for bathroom breaks and when the timer goes off. Set the timer for 5-7 minutes and take a break. I don’t recommend starting games or anything that too easily holds your attention and may derail your efforts. I usually watch a few minutes of a re-run that I’m not heavily invested in.

Keep a log of your sprints and words written during those sprints, and then keep a total for the day. You’ll be surprised by how quickly the words add up as the month goes on!

BTW: this technique works for all sorts of work, too. Housework, other tasks…super focus/break/super focus/break.

Do you use sprints for anything in your life? If you write, have you tried writing sprints? Let me know in the comments.

Writing: Word Sprints

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