Fractured Flowers in Kindle Unlimited!

Fractured Flowers in Kindle Unlimited!

Fractured Flowers is now in Kindle Unlimited! Go read it and find out what’s going on with Yutani and Lyrical! It’s also available to buy in e-format from Amazon as well (and will continue to be). KINDLE * PRINT *

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It’s Caturday

It's Caturday

It’s Caturday and time for cute fluffy-wuzziness. Today we have… Ya know what? Caturday is about cute fluffy-wuzzy kitties, so let’s just do that. Everybody, here is Caturday! Enjoy! Awwwww…

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Writing Wednesday

Writing Wednesday

Dawn asks: Do you come up with the hook first, or do you create characters first and then dig through until you find a hook? Answer: I always meet my characters first. I never consciously ‘create’ a character–my subconscious does

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Fractured Flowers Release Day!

Fractured Flowers Release Day!

Fractured Flowers is in the wild! Go get it and find out what’s going on with Yutani and Lyrical! You have until July 27th to get it from Nook, Apple, and Kobo. Then, on the 28th, it will come off

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It’s Caturday

It's Caturday

It’s Caturday and time for cute fluffy-wuzziness. Today we NEEEED (have I said this before?) to talk to someone about Brighid. Kirsi, I petted you, now about… Yeah, yeah a typical Caturday, gotta feed da kitties.

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It’s Caturday

It's Caturday

It’s Caturday and time for cute fluffy-wuzziness. Today we NEEEED to talk to a kitty about Brighid and her… uh… you know. Kirsi, do you know anything about… … I will talk after I pet you, yes, yes, (pet pet)

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Yasmine’s Fantasy Bingo

Yasmine’s Fantasy Bingo

I have something fun for you today! We’ve created a fantasy bingo for you based on my books and each month will be bringing you a new one. You can access the answers by signing up for my newsletter which

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Vlog: When to End a Series

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It’s Caturday

It's Caturday

It’s Caturday and time for cute fluffy-wuzziness. Today we NEEEEED to talk to Brighid. Brighid, I need to ask about you about… … um… I won’t. Any hoo, Happy Caturday everyone.

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It’s Caturday

It's Caturday

It’s Caturday and time for cute fluffy-wuzziness. Today we have… AHA!!!

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