Autumn Decorating

Autumn Decorating

So, I always decorate during autumn, and thought you might like to see some of my autumn pretties this year! For me, it’s one of my joys each year, to break out the decorations and, a whirlwind of color later,

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Vlog: Welcome to the Witching Season

Word Magic

Every year I put up a post I call Welcome to the Witching Season. Today, I’m bringing it to you in a vlog!

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Autumn Contest!

Little Black Cat says "AUTUMN CONTEST TIME"

It’s time for my annual AUTUMN CONTEST!!! You can win a whole lot of fun goodies, but you ONLY have a chance to win if you enter and follow the directions (if you don’t follow directions, your entry is invalid).

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Blessed Mabon!

Blessed Mabon

Blessed Mabon! May the Second Harvest bring you abundance and joy! From Yasmine and her team.

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Gluten Free Kitchen Witch: Pumpkin Soup

Gluten Free Kitchen Witch: Pumpkin Soup

Years ago, when we were very poor, I had to adapt our meals to what we had in the refrigerator, which quite often was a disparate set of ingredients that didn’t seem to go well together at all. But I’m

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Autumn Sale!

Autumn Sale!

So, I’m celebrating autumn with a sale! Go see what I have on sale and fill your kindle if you haven’t go them already! SALE! SALE! SALE!

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Brain Candy Friday

Autumn Candy

Yes! Brain Candy Friday is back! Today, I’m thinking about autumn and how much I love it, and how thrilled I am that it’s September. My favorite parts? All of it–the wind and the mist and the rains…well, maybe not

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The Mystical Landscape of Western Washington

September banner!

One of the things I love best about our area is what happens during autumn. September usually varies between moderate and rainy, we often slide into the beginnings of our rainy season about mid-to-late month. The trees begin to change

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Blessed Lughnasadh

Blessed Lughnasadh

Blessed Lughnasadh. May your harvests be fruitful and your sacrifices given in reverence and honor. “There were three men came out of the west, their fortunes for to try, And these three men made a solemn vow John Barleycorn must

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Wild Hunt Vay-Cays!

vacation time! a suitcase full of fun

So I’m thinking about vacations. Now, I took a vacation recently — the first one in a while. It was actually a staycation, to be honest. Now, I don’t do vacations well. I’m not comfortable spending large amounts of time

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