Hey Peeps! You know, every now and then I see a show where some character tells another that they should stop ‘living in a fantasy world and grow up.’ And it drives me NUTS! In an episode of one of
Please think about helping my friend…
We’re running a Go-Fund Me for my friend, Alma Alexander, fantasy writer and all-around good egg, who is facing the devastating loss of her husband, coupled with medical and funeral expenses, and the possible loss of her home. We are
Scattered thoughts…
I am watching Lord of the Rings this past week. Fellowship, then Two Towers. Today–Return of the King. I’m also marathoning Harry Potter. And you know what? They make me remember my first loves in the world of books: fantasy.
“It’s a dangerous business, Frodo…”
I re-watched Fellowship of the Ring the other day. I meant to work while watching it, which was kind of a stupid thought because yah, it’s Frodo and Gandalf and the Nazgul and hey–we were going to see the elves,