Monday Snippet: Flight From Death

Here’s your last Monday Snippet of Flight From Death before Release Day next week! FLIGHT FROM DEATH — Book 1 of the Fly By Night Series (a spinoff of Otherworld)Release date: July 7th, 2015. Available for Preorder! If you want

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A Year of Trees: Week 43

There is a street nearby that I absolutely love. Really, it could be any street, there’s nothing really outstanding about it, except for the fact that it is lined with trees. Now this a common sight around here except these

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Monday Snippet: Flight From Death

Here’s your Monday Snippet! FLIGHT FROM DEATH — Book 1 of the Fly By Night Series (a spinoff of Otherworld)Release date: July 7th, 2015. Available for Preorder! If you want an autographed copy, preorder from Seattle Mystery Bookshop. Preorders help

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A Year of Trees: Week 42

There is a street nearby that I absolutely love. Really, it could be any street, there’s nothing really outstanding about it, except for the fact that it is lined with trees. Now this a common sight around here except these

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Joyous Litha!

Blessed Litha! Most joyous Litha May the Oak King reign supreme Through the day As the Wheel turns To the Waning Year From Yasmine and her Team

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Monday Snippet: Flight From Death

Here’s your Monday Snippet! FLIGHT FROM DEATH — Book 1 of the Fly By Night Series (a spinoff of Otherworld)Release date: July 7th, 2015. Available for Preorder! If you want an autographed copy, preorder from Seattle Mystery Bookshop. Preorders help

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A Year of Trees: Week 41

There is a street nearby that I absolutely love. Really, it could be any street, there’s nothing really outstanding about it, except for the fact that it is lined with trees. Now this a common sight around here except these

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Thoughts About Internet Kerfuffles, & Being Polite

So good morning. My day started with eating part of a bad apricot and not realizing it until after I ate it. I quickly threw it away because I didn’t want to see if there was a bug in there,

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Answering Reader Questions!

Each Saturday I will be answering some reader questions. So here we go! Missy Fuhrman asks: I loved the Indigo Court series. Does she plan on doing a continuation with the daughters? A: Hi, Missy! No, I have no plans

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I Have Big News!

First: I want to announce that I have agreed to partner with Diversion Books to publish the next three Otherworld Books! They WILL have a home, they will be available in print (though you will most likely have to order

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