Yasmine Goes Indie, Part 1

So things are settling down as I find my rhythm, and I thought it would be a good time to talk about the changes I’m making. I’ve been fielding a lot of questions, and while I don’t have all the

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Just a few random thoughts… I have received so MANY supportive emails from readers since I announced that I was going indie, and I thank everybody who wrote. Seriously, reader support makes or breaks an author and I’m grateful that

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EARTHBOUND, an Otherworld Novella, releases today! When Camille, Menolly, and Delilah D’Artigo are reassigned Earthside, they have no clue of what to expect. Getting situated in a new world, figuring out where they’re going to live, and what they’re going

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So, it’s been awhile…

I’m alive…it’s just that I’ve been really busy getting things in order, starting the shift to focus on the indie side…am working on Fury Rising, which I plan to have available in June. I’m almost ready to make a release

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Book News in a Big Way

It has been a long past couple of years. More downs than ups, but I have finally made several decisions that I think are the right ones for me. I have been a traditionally published author for twenty years this

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