Last year most of our yard was scorched by the heatwave. Flowers didn’t do well, blooms didn’t open, everything kind of just…lingered. This year, we’re having a massive resurgence in the yard, so thought I’d show you a few pictures. The rhododendrons are huge–last year, almost no blooms, this year the bush is covered. I planted a few foxglove out back a couple years ago. We have a good dozen volunteers this year in the front yard–they somehow migrated! They’re my favorite flower, so I’m quite happy. Bulbs that we had to dig up in late 2013, that vanished in the great septic system replacement trench warfare mess–well, they suddenly are popping up in all sorts of unexpected places.

Everything is green and vibrant and lovely. I’ve really been having fun peeking around and seeing what’s out there! It’s like getting unexpected presents! So here are some pictures from our yard. I expect to be able to start blogging regularly again this week–so much has been going on, but I feel like things are calming down now.

What grows in your yard (or what plants do you have inside/outside)?

The Yard Rebounds
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4 thoughts on “The Yard Rebounds

  • 05/19/2016 at 5:23 am

    Thanks for sharing. My lilies just started blooming yesterday.

  • 05/17/2016 at 1:10 pm

    My flowers have also done very well this yr in Wa.. I have 15 rose bushes ( all planted by me ) and a ton of flowers, I have rose blooms as big as dinner plates this year!! It’s unreal! I’m glad to see your plants are also thriving!! đŸ™‚

  • 05/16/2016 at 3:12 pm

    I moved here with my daughter about a year ago. Brought lots of plants in pots and we wintered them in the garage. I’ve gotten a lot of yard work done and we’ve got tons of flowers this spring. Woodruff (for the May Bowl), iris, tulips, columbine, ground ivy (Creeping Charlie), lily of the valley, faux forget-me-nots, grape (and regular) hyacinth, and about a million violets. So enjoying this! The fruit tree I left in the back yard when I cut down the hundreds of shrubs and volunteer trees turned out to me some sort of cherry. The blossoms and lovely, don’t know if there will be fruit. Also a couple of flowering shrubs that remain nameless.


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