I’m still celebrating the release of MIDNIGHT WEB and it’s time for my spring basket contest! And speaking of spring and eggs (Ostara, anybody?), there is a MASSIVE easter egg in CONJURE WEB, which will be out on April 19th.
Brain Candy Friday
So we’re into March. Here, the leaves are starting to peek out on the trees, daffodils and tulips are showing their faces, and we have a lot of wind and rain. So what’s spring like where you live? Tell me
Brain Candy Friday
So on BCF today, I’m thinking that we’re headed toward spring, and I’m actually looking forward to the flowers of spring most of all (along with the leaves blossoming out). My favorite spring flowers have to be hyacinths. I love
Wild Hunt Vay-Cays!
So I’m thinking about vacations. Now, I took a vacation recently — the first one in a while. It was actually a staycation, to be honest. Now, I don’t do vacations well. I’m not comfortable spending large amounts of time
Blessed Walpurgisnacht!
Tonight is Walpurgisnacht, the Night of the Witches, and tomorrow is Beltane, so Blessed Beltane to all my fellow pagans, and happy May Day to everyone. In the Northern Hemisphere, now is the time when the Goddess and God run
The Nature of Beltane
Daisy chains and lilacs, champagne with strawberries and sweet woodruff, sun filtering into a field of young fern and bracken, a doe and her fawns peering out of the woods, a hint of chaos in the air…it is April 30,
The Nature of Ostara
The Spring Equinox, Ostara, is the time when life renews itself. Ostara is the celebration of the Spring (Vernal) Equinox when day and night balance. Astronomically speaking the sun crosses the celestial equator at this time. Held in late
A Year of Marymoor: Week 52
A couple of years ago around this time, I started a project called my Year of Trees. I took a picture of the same street every week for a year, noting the changes to the trees that line that road
A Year of Marymoor: Week 51
A couple of years ago around this time, I started a project called my Year of Trees. I took a picture of the same street every week for a year, noting the changes to the trees that line that road
A Year of Marymoor: Week 50
A couple of years ago around this time, I started a project called my Year of Trees. I took a picture of the same street every week for a year, noting the changes to the trees that line that road