My computer died. So I got a new one. And I installed Office 2010 instead of 2007. And I added my email accounts. Because I knew I had set my settings in gmail to only forward email that’s current. I didn’t go check to make sure that gmail didn’t decide to RE-SET my settings. 150,000 emails in my outlook. Every email I’ve ever received from 8 different email addresses. *headdesk* I want to burn it all down. If you’re expecting email from me…it may be a long, long time.
My head go splodey…
Computers are evil. Mine has died as well but i wont be able to replace it for awhile.
My guess is that the fault lies with Outlook pulling all emails, and not necessarily with G-mail’s forwarding capabilities. Just a guess though – hope you get it sorted out!
Aren’t computers wonderful? Hope you can get it all straightened out. I had to change my email from gmail, because Yahoo kept telling me my password was wrong then it would tell me my user name was wrong. My head DID explode.. Blessings!
To Error Is Human…To Really Foul Things Up Requires A Computer! Sorry for you troubles. Good luck fixing everything!
Oy! Best laid plans and all that. 🙁
Computers have gremlins living inside them so they can cause mischief at any time. Mine does weird stuff fairly often and just as I’m about to go nuts it’ll come up okay in the end. Good luck with your gremlins. 🙂
So frustrating!
Im so sorry. Hopefully you can straighten it out quickly.
Breathe in, breathe out.
Blessings & light