So, this is beach weather—even here, we’re having 70-75 degree days and summer this year, so far, is pleasant rather than the scorcher it was last year. We live on the coast—we have inlets here, which come in from the ocean, and also the coast proper which buttresses against the Pacific ocean.

The beaches here on the ocean coast are mostly rocky—with a few exceptions. And the water’s cold and choppy, with a lot of dangerous rip tides. There are places people can surf, but even in summer, the surfers often wear wet suits. There’s something about the briny smell of salt water that makes me feel clean (magickally, salt water is very cleansing), and clear.

One of my favorite places is up on the Strait of Juan de Fuca—around Port Townsend. (Where I set the first Fly by Night book—Flight From Death). The beaches are sandy in some places, easily accessible, and the Strait is beautiful. It comes in off the Pacific Ocean and Puget Sound filters down from it (see map).  So, here are a few pics from the beach up at Port Townsend.


Do you get to the water often (ocean, lake, river, pond…doesn’t matter)? If so, where’s your favorite spot?

Beach Days
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18 thoughts on “Beach Days

  • 08/09/2016 at 3:56 pm

    I live on the east coast in a shore town, North Wildwood, NJ. I live about 3 blocks from the Atlantic Ocean. We have lots and lots of fine sand. The sun rises are beautiful! Always a breeze and the air is so fresh. It is a tourist town. But for vacations we go camping in the Pocono Mountains in PA. State parks have the best lakes and hiking trails. As long as there is water I’m good to go!

  • 07/28/2016 at 2:46 pm

    I loved this post. I can smell the salt air just while sitting at my desk! And thank you for telling us more re the setting for Fly by Night.

  • 07/28/2016 at 1:40 pm

    I am loving your pictures Yasmine 🙂 I am an aquaphobic so the only time I can be near water without being deathly afraid is when I take my showers but even then I am anxious. If I have to go to the beach or something like that I never go alone or with my daughter alone. But I live with it.

  • 07/27/2016 at 9:04 pm

    We live across the road from the river and on the edge of the woods. We don’t goto the lake very often, I’m not allowed to be out in the sun for very long – I get sun-poisoned. . We enjoy the river and sometimes go to Lake Huron in the autumn, when the tourists have left and there’s not so much sun. We can also go to Lake Michigan, which has beautiful Sandy beaches. I’ve always loved the beach.

    • 07/27/2016 at 9:07 pm

      I love sitting by rivers and streams in the twilight–the sound lulls me into a trance.

  • 07/27/2016 at 5:20 pm

    I love it there! Lake Crescent blew me away. Kayaking in the Salish Sea was an experience I will never forget….Mostly because I was scared to death! But, I loved it anyway. In contrast, beaches here in Florida are much better for swimming as you know. This year we checked out Nokomis, Casey Key, FL (West Coast). Beautiful place with drum circle on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Otherwise, it’s a 20 min drive for us to our local beach.

    • 07/27/2016 at 9:06 pm

      Our woodlands and forests are ancient here, and very much alive. And our ocean is volatile. 😉 I’m so glad you got to see it!

  • 07/27/2016 at 4:09 am

    We go to the beach nearly every day to run the greyhounds, the beach has black sands and on the west coat of New Zealand and at the base of a volcano, Mt Taranaki, there is lots of driftwood and also lots of rocks and old lava flows so very interesting to walk especially after a big storm because it changes so dramatically one day it can be flat with no rocks visible and next rocks everywhere. In the summer it is lovely to swim at and because of the rocks forms natural little harbours that are safe to swim. The west coast is the dangerous coast, the wild west! We have lived on the east coast, white sandy beach and usually safe for swimming though it claims lives as well. My father in law tried to save to young boys caught in a rip and paid with his life and nobody could believe that the beach he died at was dangerous.

    • 07/27/2016 at 9:05 pm

      Your father-in-law was a good man for that…I’m sorry he paid with his life. New Zealand has always looked so beautiful in the pictures/films that I’ve seen.

    • 08/01/2016 at 2:57 am

      All beaches can be dangerous. I live on the west coast and the ORegon Beavercreek so calm, Sandy and safe. We lose someone every year, usually at spring break, when someone will get killed a log rolling in the surf or from a rip tide like your father in law. One year a young girl died when the ::) ole she was digging collapsed burying her. Something so simple and be so sad. Never ever turn your back on the surf. And please always place a life gets on your children whether the water is 100 feet or 5 inches deep. Keep those babies safe.

  • 07/27/2016 at 2:59 am

    My favorite beach is Stone Harbor, NJ. I’ve spent many lovely days and nights of laughter there with friends. Quiet and lots of sea birds to enjoy. Although the laughing gulls will steal food right out of your hands.

  • 07/27/2016 at 2:14 am

    I live in NJ, an hour from the coast. I feel lucky to live near the ocean. Here, we have beautiful white sand beaches that stretch for miles. My favorite spot is Cape May, beautiful. Love reading about the west coast in your books, it’s so different than here! 🙂

  • 07/27/2016 at 1:54 am

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful pictures. My family never went to the lakes near us but we had a great creek behind the house and a deep,dark and cold pond that the turtles shared with us.

  • 07/27/2016 at 1:39 am

    We head over to Brookings or Bandon on the Oregon Coast whenever we can. It’s only about a 2 1/2 to 3 hr drive. It’s great for weekend getaways.

  • 07/27/2016 at 12:02 am

    Living in Nevada, we are land locked. There is Lake Tahoe but as it is formed from snow melt it is icy cold.
    Other than any beach in Hawaii, my favorite is San Onofre on Camp Pendleton in California. We went camping there all the time when we lived in San Diego.

  • 07/26/2016 at 11:25 pm

    We don’t get to water much, but we do try and go to the pool once a week if my husband isn’t too tired from work. Lately we’ve been having upper 90 and over 100 degree weather so enjoy the 70s!

  • 07/26/2016 at 10:28 pm

    I don’t get to the water often, though I would like to. Your pictures are beautiful though! Thanks for sharing them!

  • 07/26/2016 at 9:36 pm

    Love this, I grew up going to the northern Californian coast, which is very similar to your coast. I love that briny, seaweed smell and miss it. Anytime I go to visit my friends up there I make it a point to get over to the coast for a few hours at least. Thanks for sharing!!

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