I am just venting folks–sometimes you have to draw boundaries. /begin rant A note: How I market my books, and whether I offer them wide or via KU, is officially my decision, and it’s made with the decision on what is best for my family
Dystopia 2020 and How To Weather It
So…when I started writing Fury, I didn’t expect to be living in a pseudo-dystopian world before long, though there was a part of me that always felt like something was coming. So, yeah, we’re in it now, folks. The coronavirus
Inspiration Corner: Six Ways to Tackle Everyday Problems
There are days where everything seems to go wrong. The fridge conks out, the washing machine overflows, the boss yells at you for something somebody else did, you realize you overdrew your checking account…you know, the vagaries of every day
I have an important blog post for you today. It’s not exactly exciting, but it will affect your subscriptions to my blog posts, and the ability to comment on my blogs. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but if you
A Few Facts…
First: to those who’ve supported my move to indie, you don’t know how much that means to me and how much I appreciate it. And I thank you for persevering through the transition. Indie author means that I’m now publishing
Been A Weekend
So, I’ve had one hell of a weekend. Sam ended up in the hospital (he’s going to be fine, is home and will be back to normal in a few days, but it wasn’t fun and I really don’t want
My head go splodey…
My computer died. So I got a new one. And I installed Office 2010 instead of 2007. And I added my email accounts. Because I knew I had set my settings in gmail to only forward email that’s current. I
Just want to eat cookies…
I just want to sit and eat cookies. And watch movies. And play games. I’m tired. I am sad because of David Bowie and Alan Rickman–two great talents in one week. I can’t help but thinking, boy a lot of
Happy Rest of the Year!
We had a lovely Solstice, a low-key but powerful ritual, and it’s back to work. Though I always have that end-of-the-year drive to plan out for next year. So one of the things I’ll be doing is to figure out
Today was a grumpy grumpy day for me. *scowls* So many grumps. One thing after another just irritating the hell out of me. Toss me a smile, peeps?