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Janet asks: Will Yasmine be going to DragonCon this year?

Answer: No, I’m probably not going to travel outside the local areas for the next year or two, still. But I will be at Jet City Comic Show in Tacoma WA on November 5th, so see my appearances page!

Jenne asks: Will she ever do a series with the main character a guy?

Answer: To be honest, I doubt it, although I’ll always have important male characters in my books. I’m much more comfortable writing from a woman’s point of view. I never say ‘never’ (almost), but for the foreseeable future, I don’t see writing any male protagonists.

Heather asks: My fiancée is wanting to publish his book. And I was wondering if you could tell me the best self publishing company?

Answer: No, I can’t. I’m still new to indie publishing, but have already decided that—for me—doing it myself is the best route. But I recommend he check out Marie Force’s advice on self-publishing, as well as researching through the many resources available online. DO tell him to invest in a good editor and a quality cover designer. These things matter.

Julie asks: Will the book Dancing with the Sun be coming out soon on ebooks?

Answer: Next year I plan to put out more of my nonfiction on e-books. Dancing with the Sun may get an overhaul since so much of my practice has evolved and changed, but at some point, you’ll see something similar out. For now, check out my Crystal Cauldron part of the web site.

Lori asks: Hi there! I’m curious as to how she comes up with names and the universes (and keeps track of them) in all of her books. She is always introducing new characters and with as many series she has, I am curious. I’m always interested to hear an author’s take on that. Thank you!!

Answer: The characters almost always name themselves for the main characters. Secondary ones…I just find them easy, overall—I just try not to name characters too similarly within the same series. I keep a series bible for each series that is detailed and precise to help me avoid most glaring mistakes.

Jenne asks: If you could give your characters ( Shimmer, the Otherworld Sisters and Cicely) a make up make over, what looks would you pick for them?

Answer: I think they do just fine for who they are. Each character has his or her own style and even if it’s not one I’d pick, it suits them and so…I guess the answer is—I wouldn’t change them. They are who they are and I’m good with it.

Didn’t get a chance to ask a question? You can add them to the blog comments here, or in the thread my assistant Jenn keeps on our Facebook discussion group and I’ll get to them next time!

Answering Reader Questions
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5 thoughts on “Answering Reader Questions

  • 09/09/2016 at 7:57 pm

    I have just finished reading Night Shivers loved it, pleased that the series has not finished. Are you going to write anymore?

  • 08/25/2016 at 3:49 am

    Do you know what the status of the Lily Bound series is? It sounds pretty interesting but there hasnt been an update on it lately (as far as im aware). Just curious.

    • 08/26/2016 at 7:54 pm

      Souljacker will be out in March 2017, as far as I know. 🙂 It will be the only book coming out from Diversion.

      • 08/31/2016 at 4:22 pm

        Cool, thanks for the response! Do you know if it will be a series or a one off? 🙂

  • 08/20/2016 at 11:57 am

    Love reading your Q&A posts. Thank you for taking time out of your day to answer these, we know you’re very busy. ❤️


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