So, I’ve had one hell of a weekend. Sam ended up in the hospital (he’s going to be fine, is home and will be back to normal in a few days, but it wasn’t fun and I really don’t want to rehash it, except I was a basket case and still feel it).
Because of this, I’m behind on my schedule/work and need to catch up.
Also, internet drama flared…and I got caught up in it by association–unfortunately some very good author friends and I are being targeted by an author with some obvious…issues. Just don’t believe internet rumor if you hear it about me, and please, don’t fan any flames. SO not worth feeding the trolls. And I’m just tired of the drama queens and the flame-baiting. As a result, I’ve gone back to using my Twitter account for announcements only. FB–well, Jenn does a good job of keeping things going and I’m not likely to hang out there as much.
I was planning on starting my new Year of Trees project this past weekend, obviously that got postponed till next weekend. I just want kittens, cookies, good TV, to snuggle my husband, and immerse myself in my worlds. Which is what I’m going to do.
There were good things that happened–my Crystal Cauldron coven study group got off to a great start, family and friends proved how incredibly loyal and supportive they are, and Sam will be fine. The kitties are good. All the most important things in life are okay.
Um…how was YOUR weekend? 🙂
I hope Sam is doing better and you are more at ease not that he is home. I had a birthday weekend at the zoo, lovely time but ended up with awful allergies so having a bit of a hard time breathing. But I got to stay in bed a bit longer and read more, :). Be sure to keep away from those nasty drama causing trolls. Life is to short for drama like that. I hope your day is good and you have a wonderful weekend, and give the kitties a hug from me.
Tame compared to yours thankfully. Glad Sam will be O.K. I’m not on Twitter because of all of the things I’ve heard about it. I’m on Facebook, but only my friends can see my page. I have a small group of friends. I’m only in a few groups, & they don’t like drama. Cause problems & you will be removed by the Admins. & banned.
Hope the rest of your week/ month goes better! Love & hugs to you & yours.
SO sorry that your weekend was scary. Having a loved one in the hospital is frightening and nerve wracking, to say the least.
I’m sending healing and feel better energy to Samwise, and serenity and hugs to you and the Kittehs.
I completely identify with your situation ~ my weekend was filled with health issues, also, and a lot of sleepless nights.
All I can say is Thank the Goddess for Kittehs and loved ones ! I had a pain filled weekend, and my hubby and Kittehs didn’t leave my side.
When times get tough, I remember how tough I can be. I’m grateful for little things ~ a lot of those sleepless nights were spent gazing at the stars and moon, which bring me comfort and peace. Know you are in my thoughts and am lighting a candle and sending a huge hug your way! Brightest Blessings to you and yours! 🙂
So happy to hear Sam will be ok. It’s very scary when hubbies get sick, mine tried to die on me three years ago, talk about panic.
My weekend, ending on Tuesday, was eye opening. Found out that the reason I can’t do much is my blood pressure spikes making me take a rest. I just don’t get much done that way. Had a scheduled dr appointment Tuesday and found out for the first time my cholesterol is high. So there will be dramatic diet changes coming quickly. A lot of other health issues as well, most of which lead to a MS diagnosis but that dr appointment isn’t until Christmas.
I know I can do this, I have you to inspire me.
The hard drive on my laptop failed and I had to replace it. But thankfully the Apple Store people we’re about to save all my data and my computer is already done. But a little less excitement like this would be nice. Ah Mercury…
Sorry that Samwise had to go to the hospital. Glad that he is at home with all loved ones and will be fine. Spent the weekend sorting
and deciding what to keep. Most people are downsizing, but I am microsizing. Try to ignore the ignorant of the internet. Not worth
your time or energy. Enjoy your life with hubby, cookies, TV, and can’t forget the kitties.
Man, sometimes people suck. So sorry that your weekend was so bad.
I am glad that Sam will be alright. 🙂
I spent the weekend keeping up with a 14 year old boy…just fun like that.
I’m glad Sam will be ok. I hate that the internet is becoming so hate filled:(
I’m glad Sam will be ok and sorry that you had that drama to deal with. Keep your head up and know that good vibes and in my case prayers are coming your way . Your awesome and you got this!
I live near Tallahassee FL so we dealt with the aftermath of Hurricane Hermine all weekend. Well we had no damage but my husband works with the city and has been working 12hrs days since last Thursday doing cleanup. Hopefully today is the last day of those 12hrs days. Lpoking forward to this weekend so that he can get a break.
Good to know your husband is doing okay. My weekend was okay. Just moved into the basement at my brother’s house with my mom. I do need a hobby other than writing. Will most likely go indie and self publish at Smashwords only.
Sorry to hear about your husband. I spent the weekend preparing for my surgery tomorrow. I didn’t realize how much needed to be done beforehand
Well first off, glad to hear that your hubby will be ok. This weekend was busy with my hubby and son cutting wood. Than a joint birthday party for my dad and close friend. Not to bad of a weekend.
I’m really happy your hubby will be okay and sorry you are enduring drama from hacks. Love your books!!