Hello everyone Jennifer, Yasmine’s assistant, here again with another blog post for you all.

  Yule is one of my favorite times of the year. I enjoy the quality time I get to spend with my family and I look forward to our yearly traditions and activities. So for my post I want to talk about Yule activities you can do with your kids.

Since it is a time of giving you might talk to your kids about giving back to the community and helping someone in need this season. You can always donate to your local food bank which is a huge help for families all year round. Most stores have areas where you can donate right there, and in my area we even have some that offer pre-packed bags that you pay for and donate right there at the store. You could also find a family in need to help with toys, clothes, etc. I know some malls and even a few department stores have Angel trees just for this, or you can always contact your local social services office and see if they know of a family that could use the help. Another way is if you know where your local soup kitchen is located then see if they could use some extra volunteers or if they need clothes donated. I think any of these is a great way to teach kids the true meaning of giving.

One fun activity that I like to do every year is make new ornaments for the tree. You can find lots of ideas for this online. Last year we got clear glass ornaments and marbleized them.  This is one of my favorite types of ornament craft and you can find easy to follow instructions on several sites online. Another fun craft for ornaments is one we did when my daughter was in kindergarten we made reindeer which was super fun and easy.


Instructions on how to make them will be at the end of this post. This year I saved cardboard tubes from paper towel and toilet paper rolls to make snowflakes out of for our tree and house. I found this craft on The Crafty Sisters  (the name is a link to the page with the instructions for the ornaments) and it looks like a lot of fun. Since there is glitter, paint, and hot glue involved for smaller children you will want to supervise them.

A family activity that we all enjoy is putting up all our decorations. As my daughter has gotten older I have given her more and more responsibility in helping decorate the house. We make hot cocoa and pull out all the decorations and sing while we put everything out. My daughter’s favorite thing I think is when we get candy canes to put on the tree. She gets one every day until the day we take the tree down. We also like to bake cookies and cook together during the Yule season. My daughter’s favorite is when we do our iced sugar cookies. She helps me make the dough and get them ready to go in the oven, we just do drop sugar cookies. Once they are cool enough I ice them and she gets to do the sprinkles. We usually have two or more different colors of sugar sprinkles for her to get creative with.

No matter what you celebrate this time of year my family and I want to wish you a wonderful holiday season!

Directions for Popsicle Reindeer:

You will need:

3 craft popsicle sticks

2 googly eyes

1 craft pompom in either red or black

Yarn string with the ends tied together

Hot glue

Take the first two popsicle sticks and form a vee shape using hot glue on the point.

Then take the third popsicle and put it on top of the other two slightly down from the tops to make antlers and ears. Use hot glue to fasten this stick in place.

 Find where you would like to place the eyes on the two sticks forming the vee and hot glue them to it.

Pick which color pompom you’d like to use and glue that to the end of the vee.  

Once hot glue is set take your yarn and loop your yarn over the stick that goes across for hanging on the tree.

Yule Activities
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2 thoughts on “Yule Activities

  • 12/15/2016 at 12:57 pm

    Great reindeer!
    Thank you for that idea.
    The schools my grandkids go to also have families that have need especially during the holidays.
    Its been fun letting them be “secret Santa”.
    Bless you and yours this season Jenn.
    Jenni & Tassy

  • 12/15/2016 at 11:13 am

    Thanks Jennifer! Those are great ideas. I live with my daughter and she decorates the house, outdoors, and, of course, the tree. This year our cats have decided the tree skirt is their favorite place to nap. Don’t know what they’re going to do when we put presents under there! Guess I’ll find out later to day when I wrap some things. Blessed Yule to your and yours.

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