Well, announcement time. I have a lot to tell you, now that the blog’s been upgraded (behind the scenes, to allow us to do more with it). The blog email is still kind of messed up but we’ll have that taken care of shortly. And now that I can post again, we’ll start the Spring Equinox contest on Friday.

So, it’s been a year since I made the announcement that I was going indie. I’ve learned a lot during that time—and had enough success that I know I can make this path work for me. But I’ve also learned that I have to let go of a few things if I’m going to continue to grow as an indie author.

And that means not focusing my time on series that I started with traditional publishers but I don’t have the rights back to yet. Indie publishing really requires starting up new series where all books are under my control so I can offer promotions, deals, do boxed sets, and all those good things.

It’s hard to leave series behind—especially when I’d barely started some of them. And it seems unfair to both readers who get emotionally invested in the characters and worlds. Trust me, it also makes me grumpy. But unfortunately, when an author has a series split between a trad publisher and indie publishing, new readers aren’t nearly as likely to go back and buy the earlier books at the higher e-prices trad publishers demand (and most of my new readers will be e-readers, given the nature of the indie world).

So that brings me to new announcements. First, the bad news:

I’ve decided that I really can’t continue—at this time—with any of the series I started with Berkley. Nor will I be able to continue with the Lily Bound books. I’m not going to discuss the nitty gritty of why, but I’m uncomfortable putting more effort into something that may not be economically worth my time. This is my career, not a hobby. So unfortunately, for now, Whisper Hollow, Fly By Night, and Lily Bound are all on the shelf. I do intend to pick them up again some day—but it will have to wait until I can get my rights back.

The only reason I’m finishing OW now is because I kinda doubt I’ll be able to get a reversion of my rights to the whole series for a long time and I really do want to finish it. I’m working on the reversion process for the Indigo Court books right now but don’t know if I’ll be successful. It’s a wait and see game. (Berkley has the rights to publish the books I sold to them for as long as enough copies sell as listed in the contracts…only when sales fall below that amount can I begin the process to revert my rights. Unfortunately, that doesn’t always mean much $$ for me and it means I can’t do anything with the books already out there).

Now, for the good news:

I’ve revamped my schedule with this in mind. So besides finishing the Otherworld Series, I am planning on writing more in the Fury Series and Bewitching Bedlam Series and you’ll have THREE new Fury books this year, and two new Bewitching Bedlam books. All of these will be available in both e-format and POD (print on demand).  I’m planning a total of six Fury books and at least 8-10 Bewitching Bedlam books (full length). I have many ideas for after that.  🙂

PLUS…I’m re-releasing the Bath and Body Series under my own name in e-book format. Since there are used copies out there in print, the POD formats for these and for the Chintz ‘n China Series are lower priority.

And…I’ll have two shorts out in anthologies this fall, as well as an Otherworld Holiday novelette coming in December.

ANNNNNNNNNNND…I am working on a sekrit project that I know you’re going to love, not related to any of the series out now. Think super hot. Think super steamy. Think super paranormal. That’s all the clues you get. 😉

So, yes, I’m sad that I have to put WH and FBN and LB on hiatus, but there will be more than enough to read, and so far, people are loving the Fury Series and Bewitching Bedlam and I’m loving writing them.

MOON SHIMMERS (Otherworld #19) will be out by May 2nd, and it will also be out in audio (I don’t have the time frame but it will be out from Blackstone Audio. I also don’t know who the narrator will be).

June 13, I’m planning on releasing FURY AWAKENED. So I’m off and running, and once again, I thank you for coming along for the ride.

Important Updates/Announcements

17 thoughts on “Important Updates/Announcements

  • 05/20/2020 at 10:15 pm

    I have read most all of your series and can honestly say that I love reading anything you write. Your extremely talented and I cannot get enough of your books. Just finished reading the first book of your Lily Bound series and can’t wait for the next one.
    Woul love to know when the next one is due out if you have a due date for it. I’m addicted to your books. At least it’s a healthy addiction.

  • 10/18/2017 at 5:50 pm

    Whatever happens I’ll stick by you . I love reading your books can’t wait for more from you

  • 06/20/2017 at 3:22 pm

    I am sad you had to put wh, fbn and the lily bound series on hold. I just finished Souljacker and hope can get back
    To hem soon. I love your books and I look forward whatever comes next it will be good.je

  • 04/02/2017 at 12:57 am

    Oh, so sad about this! Darn it, why does the world conspire like this to torture everyone involved? Us readers because we wants these books, writes because like you said, it’s your job, not a hobby which means hard choices, and publishers, because…I can’t think of a good reason, but I think they’re being tortured, as well. I just really enjoyed Souljacker! And the Fly by Night series! And I want to start the Whisper Hollow series! Bah! Well, yeah that we’re going to get the end of OW! So excited for Moon Shimmers! I needs to reads it!

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  • 03/27/2017 at 12:09 pm

    I’m so happy to hear that you are finishing the OW books AND you’re going indie full time. Your books are amazing. I’ll be here waiting for and reading everything you publish. Believe it or not, I started with your Chintz and China books. So happy I found your books. Brilliant!

  • 03/23/2017 at 10:49 am

    Good luck w/all these next steps!

  • 03/23/2017 at 10:25 am

    I can understand your desire to write new things and whatnot. I am sad to see WH, FBN and LB series are on hold for the time being. I LOVED all three series and hope you can continue them in the future. I am excited for more Fury and Bedlam series books. I am eager for the last three OW books *bounces happily* I got those books on my To buy list ASAP. lol Thank you for keeping your readers informed. I know I am not the only one that supports you in this and understand the why of it all.

  • 03/23/2017 at 6:51 am

    Not a happy camper about the issues with Trad pub and causing you to stop my favorite books. But I’ve made sure that Moon Shimmers in on my New Title Release list for May and will be posted to my blog site in Mid-April.

  • 03/23/2017 at 6:35 am

    I’m so sad about Whisper Hollow, but I’m really excited about Bewitching Bedlam. I also love the Fly by Night series, so I hope one day you can write more of those books when you get the rights back. But man, I loved Whisper Hollow. That was such an original idea. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that you get to finish it when you get the right back. Thank you so much for finishing OW!

  • 03/22/2017 at 6:55 pm

    Im so happy for your choice to go indi i will always support you. I will miss OW I have laughed, loved cheered and cried through the series its one i never want to end I was happy with FBN because there was still some ties but I’m sad that ones put on hold to I will be eagerly awaiting there return! I look forward to all of your new series your my favorite author keep it up girl 🙂

  • 03/22/2017 at 6:12 pm

    Like the others who have commented I will miss Whisper Hollows, unlike many of your readers I you through Whisper Hollows. I really enjoyed reading them and looked forward to the development of the characters and story.

    I will give the Fury series a try and then Bewitching Bedlam series. I’m happy your happy (but selfishly a little sad to say goodbye (or should that only be au revoir to Whisper Hollow) A xx

  • 03/22/2017 at 4:32 pm

    I’ll miss continuing Whisper Hollow and the Fly By Night series, but I’m just happy you are continuing as an indie writer. Starting the Souljacker series now, with Bewitching Bedlam right behind.
    Thanks for the update!

  • 03/22/2017 at 4:23 pm

    Its a shame you’ll have to put some series on hold but i look forward to whatever comes next! Also do you think you’ll ever return to the D’Artigo Sisters or the OW Universe after Blood Bonds? When you get the rights back.

    • 03/22/2017 at 6:36 pm

      I’ll write some novelettes between now and then. By that time, I doubt it, though I won’t say ‘never’. 🙂

  • 03/22/2017 at 3:11 pm

    What about the two whisper hallow books that where supposed to come out ?

    • 03/22/2017 at 6:36 pm

      When I looked at my schedule and the way the economics of it works (which I don’t want to get into here), I’ve had to put them on indefinite hold. The fact is, series that are already started? Don’t sell as well in indie and I need the work to actually appeal to new readers as well as my current readers. It’s hard to put it on hold, because I love the series but I love everything I write so that helps some.


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