For me, summer is usually frustrating. It’s usually spent fretting, waiting for publishers to get their asses in gear (they practically shut down during summer and it’s really hard to get them to move with any speed on anything), and I usually spend most of the days in my office (not unusual) due to deadlines (writers do not shut down during summer).

But this is an odd summer for me.

For one thing, we had a real winter—cold, even somewhat snowy, and a lot of rain during the October-April rainy season. In fact, we broke the record on rain. Now the pollen’s high, the lawn’s lovely, and we’re getting sun but not too much sun. Right now, summer’s a good thing (with the exception of the allergy season).

But…a lot of people aren’t going to want to hear it, but I’m already feeling autumn in the air. Not late September, bring on the leaf-fall season, but the energy that I usually don’t feel until early-mid August—that tang that hits the air some mornings, that tells you yeah, Autumn may not be here yet, but it’s coming.

I’m into an autumn cleaning binge already. I have the urge to go through all the cupboards, to clear out the outdated, broken, no longer needed clutter (well, it’s not so much clutter at my place—I’m not into clutter at all—but there will always be the ragtag ends), and get everything ready for the harvest season. I’m thinking ahead to stews and soups, to making a few gluten free pies and scones…things like that.

And I’m taking myself in hand, assessing what needs work, and what’s working. The histamine intolerance has brought me face-to-face with just how much stress plays into my body. The reactions worsen with stress, and the past year has been a nightmare of Benadryl and worrying about whether I’ll need my Epi-pen. I’ve been determining what hits me hardest, stress-wise, and making adjustments.

I’ve backed off Twitter except for an occasional comment and for sending my blog links and Instagram links through there. I get too angry and stressed on Twitter. Too much overload.  And I’m enjoying my time more without it. I’ve let Jenn do her job on FB instead of diving in and being there too much. And that helps. I’ve been sitting with my thoughts more, making choices based on what will be best for me—not what others want me to do. I’m being self-focused. I don’t call it selfish or self-centered, because NOT compromising my health for others is self-care, whether it means missing an event a friend is throwing, or just withdrawing and letting my assistants do what they’re paid to do.

As my career begins to blossom in the indie world, and I make choices on what to write based on my economic and creative needs, I’m finding more passion and joy in my work again. And my readers have been noticing the difference in the work—I’ve gotten a number of notes from people saying how much they’re enjoying the new freedom they sense in my writing. And I’m making my own deadlines, and not waiting for someone across the country to approve something I want to do, or to—as most often happens—say “Nope, we don’t want that, think of something else.”

So summer this year is a time of clearing for me. Whether it’s from sitting outside with Samwise in the evening, just listening to the birds and the movement of the world, or diving into Maddy’s Bewitching Bedlam world and dreaming up new stories and ideas, or hanging out with my BFF and reading tarot and playing with magick, I’m finding an inner peace that I haven’t felt for a long time.

That’s my world at this point. So, what is this summer bringing you?



Summer Thoughts
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6 thoughts on “Summer Thoughts

  • 06/13/2017 at 3:56 pm

    I’m happy that you are finding time for you. Everyone needs me time, maybe writers more than others. You give us all so much through your books.
    For me this summer I will be working at the local Boy Scout camp. My hubby goes there every year, I used too and am returning after a 5 year break. So it will be mountain air and beautiful surroundings for me. I love it up there, it’s very relaxing even while working.
    I hope to find out if a rumor is true about Clint Eastwood now being a neighbor of the camp.

    • 06/13/2017 at 10:17 pm

      Sounds lovely–being out in the mountains is always so recharging!

  • 06/13/2017 at 1:49 pm

    It’s good to know you’re thinking of what’s best for your health and your body this summer. I look forward to the changes in your writing (I haven’t quite made it to the new stuff yet). For me this is a summer of learning how to care for myself as well. My father passed suddenly in October and caring for my family and helping them through their own grief has really taken a toll on me. I have found frequent refuge in your stories as they are able to transport me to a world with what often seems like an easier battle to fight. Now I think it’s time to focus on moving myself forward and like you said, making choices on what’s best for me. Thank you for the escape, and best of luck with your self-love! Happy summer!

    • 06/13/2017 at 10:16 pm

      Yeah, the time after loss, especially if you have been taking care of others, requires a lot of introspection and work on healing yourself. Please take care. I’ve been there before.

  • 06/13/2017 at 11:17 am

    Good for you on working on yourself and seeing or changing things to bring you peace and harmony.

    My summer is looking at the word change. My oldest will be a senior in high school come Autumn and we are looking at colleges, talking about what she wants to study and where she hopes to go in the future. Then add in my son who willbe a junior in high school as well and taking advance courses, talking about what career or course work he is interested in for college is making me wish my babies didn’t grow up so fast. But change is coming as empty nest loo,. *sighs*

    • 06/13/2017 at 10:15 pm

      It seems to be a year of change for so many people! And think of your empty nest as a void waiting for you to fill it full again with something wonderful.

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